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♥SHINee world
(츄~♡) The bells are ringing in my head



The name is KAIYING. I'm a 15-year-old student who resides in Singapore.
I sat behind the desks of 6A'06, 2E2'08, 4E4'10 ♥
Egg cracked day: 940908.
I'm a SHAWOL along with Jacquelyn and HanLing
SHINee is the current obsession, and forever the one <3
I enjoy laughing with my friends, and have fun with them.

bold underlined strikethrough italic

Ring Ding Dong

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Best Place

Forever a SHAWOL
Go SHINee's concert!
SNSD's BEYONDx/GG's mv Hoodie
Key's Lightning earrings
Forever friends, <3
All As for my subjects T^T

Love like oxygen

Super Junior
♥You're Beautiful, Shinwoo oppa <3
♥God Of Study, Chandoo <3
♥Katekyo Hitman Reborn
♥Twilight Saga
♥Percy Jackson
♥Infinitely Teen Top

Talk to me

ShoutMix chat widget

Love's way

Meet the people I love♥

Eleanor Ang
KweeYong &LiHao
Pearlyn Au
Pearlyn Toh
Siqi &Siqin


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010



Layout Designer:

Friday, October 31, 2008

i cant stand the life at home laH!
i wan to go to school, &play taidi with everyone everyday!!
RAWR, life's boring at home.
yes, im listening to ss501's dejavu agn &agn.
that's like my 2nd fave song of theirs.
their the best manzxz.
yeah, dont argue with me.
`cos itz almost very diff to argue with me.
i seldom lose one.
`cos i will always come up with my crap-ness :D
yeah yeah yeah, whatever

just found out that this's mine 3rd post for the day-,-
fine, whatever.
what can you do to someone who's so bored all the day?

jac's mad with Hey!Say!Jump!
i was, last time.
mad with their ultra music power pv.
the young young guy is ubber cute ;D
but now i ain't mad with them alr.
im mad with jungmin, ss501.
the ubber act cute one also :D
but damn funny lah.
he &hyungjoon.
hahahah, ripping their socks off.
i was looking at a vid of theirs.
hahaha, jungmin loses a lot of competition.
but he's cute, &he looks like a girl.
idk, i siao le.
finefine, tytyty.

maybe this obsession might last longer than half a year. ;D
my longest obsession is.. uh, i think is FAHRENHEIT lah.
but now i also don care le lah.
just want arron's pili MIT hurry come out &get over the FRH's obsession.
yeah, `cos i don like guigui mah-,-
i also dk why.
i think she more suited with wangzi hahah.
okay lah, i damn luo suo leh.
byebye i go watch ss501's vids le ;D



kaiyinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg says ty :D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:58 PM

Some funny pics~~~ enjoy! :D description on top of pic;D

'even kids are running around like headless chickens these days'
from book: 'THE NEW POLICEMAN by kate thompson"
yes, this is for you my dear pearlyn.

again for you dear pearlyn,
xiaoqiang died when someone was 7years old.
so whr did your XIAOQIANG come from???
just kidding, that person probably have the same name as ur DEAR xiaoqiang:D



♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:55 AM

reb, xy &sha playing with water Lol.

i drew this(:

ystd got class bbq(:
damn nice, but made me be reminded that it MIGHT be the last gathering the e2-rians oheight have ever):
morning got gz, after gz then i got something on.
then went to class bbq, sibeh fun.
cycle cycle cycle.
but to the place whr we had to rent bikes, need walk arnd 4o mins to reach from our pit there-,-
sianjipuaaa, so long canzxz.
walk there to rent bikes, return that time need walk back-,-
when walking there that time walked with xy &reb.
i blast music `cos i seriously cannot stand it le.
then xy say she don like the songs im blasting( ss501 ok!!!)
so she went &go blast also.
Lol, so we are like some mad idiots canzxz, blast diff music hhaaha.
cycle cycle quite fun.
neh cycle for very long time le, haven lose my touch yet;D
im still winning, i always win rebecca;D
hahahah, when we walking back that time she keep arguing with me that she can win me de, but is her leg pain-,-
then i say she argue also no use, `cos argue in the end is i win de;D
she say she got win before, -,-
then i say yah right. out of 1o times u argue with me, you probably only win 1/2 a time.
hahaah!! then she say it is not bad of her.
Lol, i got such a gao xiao ahpo.
next time must cycle with them agn.
must also cycle with yuting(:
yuting also veh pro canzxz, must race with her;DDD
ystd also cycled couple bike with jac(:
so nice canzxz,
but in the starting we keep falling.
but once we got the hang of it, wah, damn zai i tell u.
itz so nice.
next time must cycle with her couple bike agn ahahah,
&need teach her how to cycle.
Lol, okay, i lazy talk le.

wahlau, i know my fringe veh ugly lah.
-,- the aunty cut one okay!!!
stop saying lah.


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:43 AM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

im announced dead bored.
tmr got gz, haiish..
teacher got come. SHE also got come.
wahsehs, she come everybody die canzxz.
oops, i mean me.
tmr also got class chalet.
i think i reach there, horhor.
so late liaos, all games &stuffs all finish liaos-,-
so bodoh canzxz.
wanted to watch HSM3 with churchies today.
then in the end, eleanor cannot go. -,-
so cancelled le lahhhhhh
but nehmind lah.
at home watch HITMAN REBORN again &again.
until i pekcheck liaos.
gonna watch later.
`cos i watch the same eps agn &agn mah.
hahahaha, i know i damn zai.
then jac lend me 1o comics, the gentlemen alliance.
damn zai also, but i only wan2 read the last book.
`cos i lazy read in front le.
i now then realise i wrote my position in the stupid blog.
RAWR, i didn't want anybody to know canzxz.
so lousy ><
i jian zhi wan2 die le canzxz.
one more week, pray hope i can get into the class i want.

sunday &monday got the worship camp.
sianjipua, is sibeh boring de canzxz.
make us whole day wan2 sleep lol.
we almost everytime got free time not sleep then is play taidi loh.
Lol, see how pro we are;D
Hahah, i know lah, very pro no need say.

im still not over my obsession over SS501, im trying to make ppl obsessed with me.
hahaha, so i wan to go korea, then can buy their album:D
Cannot lah, they too shuai &damn pro le lah.
make me so addicted.
saw pearlyn's blogskin.
Lol, koped from me de is it.
Now she also addicted le lah.
lemme see, i think im gonna get eclipse later.
idk wan2 lend pear or my bro..
if i lend pear, i can lend her all 3 books at one shot.
lemme think &see how tmr.

GOSH I HATE GZ-,- so long somemore. chicken ass


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:09 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

hello hellO!
im bored;D
hahah, surfing the net agn.
yah like duh, for ss501(:
hhaha, when did i nvr?
later going for worship camp.
in like an hour.
so come &blog blog awhile(:
bought new moon like finally.
at tpy(;
last book, heng.
lol, then called pearlyn abt it.
she damn happy.
ohkay i lazy talk le.
go watch ss501 liaos (:


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:32 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

im gonna show u all my conv with my dear ahminjiejie:D
her name's human.
that's what she said. -,-
lol, will miss her lahhhh:D
but i still can see her lol, `cos she my ahma's neighbour.
i also can see 2e2:D ♥♥
2e2 is love man ♥
okay, 2e2's better than ss501.
`cos ss501 is my recent obsession, 2e2's the forever obsession LOL♥
okay, i better show my conv now.
sing min says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
oo yes?
sing min says:
whats ur lvl position
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
id , why u wan as me
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
so lousyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sing min says:
i saw ur personal msg
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
o , id
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
they nvr say
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
sing min says:
then uu get back results le arh
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
sing min says:
how is it?
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
last day of sch get bac le ah
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
how say, deprove?
sing min says:
how exactly?
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
position drop loh ):
sing min says:
its ok la.
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
u no need study meh? lol. still online-ing.
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:

sing min says:
sing min says:
im a HUMAN
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
no lah, that pm is last wee de lah. lazy change
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
fine, HUMAN
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:

sing min says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
i shall call u a human then
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
hello human
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
this web
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
damn zai
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
must forward until 2-3min ++LD
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:

sing min says:
sing min says:
don want
sing min says:
not cao ge
sing min says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
caoge also not nice
sing min says:
cao ge NICE
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
inda gay i thin . lol srry no offense
sing min says:
he got child alrd.
sing min says:
gay ur head.
sing min says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
i ur blog spam
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
eeeeee, he married?
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
sing min says:
sing min says:
yea i think so
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
i li e mine better
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
sing min says:
oh whatever
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
o lah o lah. everyone different de lah
sing min says:
yea of cos.
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
lol o , but i still don li e caoge
sing min says:
neither do i like ur what 501
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
lol o
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
sing min says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
u for what
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
i at ur blog now
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
ready to spam
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
mw a
sing min says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
i spam le
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:

sing min says:
sing min says:
u 6th in class or lvl
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
i tell u they nvr tell us lvl le mah
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
sing min says:
sing min says:
sing min says:
not written in report book me
-[ KAIYING ]- TWILIGHT IS LOVEEEE:/ bella's lullaby X) ss501 is now my current obsession says:
lol!! i know i siao one, no need say.
this post is dedicated to her!!
i spammed at her blog.
just realise neh link her><
gonna link now


i miss all of you!!!
i most prob cant join class bbq):
due to stupid idiot lameshit CCA.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:19 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

now viwawa-ing with michelle, pear &jac.
damn sian.
`cos i keep losing hahah!!
maybe wan2 maple later.
must go youtube first:D
i miss ss501<3
they are the best canzxz!
esp jungmin.
damn zai, damn cute, damn shuai, damn cool:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
omgomg, im mad hahahaa
siaozhabor le lah.
i say i afk, come &blog blog.
i so jiao hua.
i shld do that more often.
i bet you they spamming me now:D
im always the BAD one.
RAWR, hehs, i know i pro, i zai no need say.
today got gz.
damn slack lah.
`cos she neh come:D
teacher &one person.
wah, she neh come nobody come scold me;D
but senior also neh let us slack lah.
tmr they got performance.
after they practise finish their piece come &kp us le lah.
ohkay i pause awhile.
need play otherwise they come &kp me also ):
finish one game le(;
i know i damn zai;D
come &blog agn.
they are so gonna kill me:D
but i don care lahhhhhhhhhhh.
ss501 <3333333333333333333333
listening their songs.
now is 3.13pm.
mehbe i play until 3.3o i go find their mvs le.
damn cute canzxz.
esp jungmin!! :D
but hyung joon is shuai de lahhhh.
no offense siyang, i think they better than TVXQ
ss501 is LOVE:D♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
spammed with hearts:D♥♥♥♥
ss501 is love:DDDD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
im like repeating that.
but nehmind:D
hhehhs, i really shld continue playing.
GO JUNGMIN! GO ss501♥!!


i think this new obsession takes my mind off things
otherwise i would be worrying like mad.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
2:40 PM

my title is mad :/
hahah, `cos im mad :D
later going guzheng.
yes, i remembered-,-
tong sha ling liaos canzxz, don go i think kan tou worrrr.
nehmind, still got like 1/2 an hour then i go.
`cos jac's daddy fetching!!
so can go later.
henggggggggggggg wor.
pear ask me do something important for her,
she lazy come sch today, so wan me do for her.
hheheheheh, i say i help her do if she takes pics with us:D
i think she's gonna regret it !
hahaha, seldom got chance like that, must make full use of it.
gonna ask jac, yuting, &TOMB come my hse
`cos idk can go east coast or not.
chicken backside lah.
ohyah, sha dear send me a sms last night.
say what, i talk chicken backside sound nicer than pearlyn
ohkay, i better stop talking le.
otherwise i gonna be late.
i've been slacking over this post for lotz of time.
blog hopping &blogging at the same time hahahaha.


i miss 2e2`
i hope i can get in the same class as jac, yuting&tomb.
idk about yuting &xinyee.
but i really hope all 7 of us can get into the same class ):

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:44 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

im gonna post this before i break down.
xinyee gave me a chocolate, wrapped nicely by herself.
she also wrote a note to me.
i was so touched that she gave it to me ):
inside wrote a lot of things...
i shaldn't type here.
i will seriously cry canzxz
but xinyee, this sentence is for you.
then jac opened up hers, then she cried.
makes me wan2 cry too );
thank you xin yee :)
you'll always be one of my bestest friends ever;D
♥ can you see? all of you are locked in my heart.
hahaha, cannot escape le wor.
i uploaded the pics as i said.
`cos, today is the last day of school ):
i miss 2e2 !!!!
we nvr take class pic ):
gosh gosh, i cannot talk le.
i really wan burst out le.
a trip down the memory lane really takes the tears out of one.


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:37 PM

memories of the past, which i cant forget.
i rather not type anything down, otherwise i will get teary-eyed...

the year's coming to an end, i miss all of you...


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:13 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i sibeh hyper now;D
changed tagboard veh happy;D
the tagboard is soooooo nice :DD
im posting up pics:D
for long agoo,
&down the memory lane.
>< lets talk abt today first. morning, as usual. went to school.
need give flyers.
sian ji puaaaaaaaaaa.
but i damn slack lah. sit in class awhile, then went down:DDDDD
i pro wor?
after give finish, ms lim gimme one more pack.
which is like damnnnnnnnnnn thick.
sian. then got assembly &stuffs. i dont talk abt boring stuffs, so lets just skip that.
went back class &did NE thing, which is also bo-ring.
so wanted to sleeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.
was yawning all the way, i think mslim can see canzxz.........
i know i veh zai no need say tytyty;DDDD
went to art museum.
but see see halfway siannnnnnnnnnnnnnn ji puaaaaaaaaaaa.
me, siyang &jane went sitting down at the last level &starting talking abt TVXQ.
i shaldn't say WHY we don wan go see.
it will only bring out pathetic memories.
ohkay, we talk &talk &talk, but still got SS501 lah.
as i saiddddddd, SS501 is my current OBSESSION.
k, continue.
talked abt how shuai they were, how hardworking, how cute TVXQ were.
`cos siyang wanted talk abt that , LOL.
i wanted SS501 as well, but nehmind(:
still quite nice talking abt TVXQ:D
then lend jane my hp, wanted show her how SHUAI ss501 were:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
in the end...
ms lim saw us, say cannot use hp-.-
sian ji puaaaaaaa.
ohkay, then after that went back sch lah.
in the middle details i lazy talk.
lazy lazy lazy.
im addicted to ss501!!!


have some patience, im uploading pics as soon as this post is done up

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:20 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

kaiying is ubber bored now.
choosing class, but daddy not at home.
dk wan2 choose or not LOL!
went jera's blog.
damn lotz of pics, she must have used up a lot of time lol.
finding songs is way too bored for me.
maybe i should find something to do.
no way the piano.
gosh i hate it................
tmr got piano >(
chicken backsideeeeeeeee.
i don wan piano.
kaiying's mad;D
yes thank you.

i wan2 change tagboard :D
like sam's .
`cos i don like this:D
maybe i will change now.

my current obsession is SS501
cant blame me, they too shuai le LAHHHHHHHHHHH.
sians, listening to allllll their songs.
eh, no lah.
i kidding only. maybe im uploading piccys later.
all in comp.
i will wait for the last day of sch to upload.

wtf, we have to go back sch on friday for guzheng.
idk idk idk.
idk anything about it.
i shall sleep till late late &say i overslept lol..............
sian ji puaaaaaaaaaa.

ohwelll, im dragging the topic.
lets talk abt today. in sch th time, not outside sch whr we have to see the damn assing bitch.
im sorry, we don wan to talk abt her, we are wasting our time &typing skills.
morning go ard give flyers.
sian, don wan talk.
then get back results.
goshgoshgosh. so lan bei canzxz.
4As, 2Bs.
chicken backside.
i know veh lousy, don come &say.
a lot ppl better than me.
NEXT, we got sec 2 streaming talk.
so boring.
me pear & sha keep talking abt XIAOQIANG pearlyn's new bf:D
xiaoqiang wan2 know everything abt pearlyn.
okay, skip that part. i no time use comp.
haven choose.
.after that, i wrote one petition &made xy angry.

i miss the days,
itz only 3 more days before we end,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
i miss all of you.
i hope i can get into same class as all of you.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:50 PM

must go check then put the subj &class i wan next year.
today went to national museum.
got one kaopei parent or dono teacher lah.
everything also must pick on us.
we taking pictures she say must walk faster-,-
we also not together with her, we wan2 walk slow slow cannot is iT?
then we saw those meimei de thing, then it moves &change pattern.
i tell jac look, change pattern.
then the asshole come &kaopei say what.
the description said that it will change patterns at a single interval. why cant u see for yourself? stop talking &move faster.
wtf, like i know got description like that?!
she's such a piggggg.
we make noise at the bus, she was there lecturing us saying what, sit cannot sit properly is it.
your leg isn't suppose to be out of the seat.
the seat is just nice for 2 ppl-,-
keep coming &kaopei.
we talking in the wayang hse.
jac just said that jetaime looked like someone.
then we keep talking.
she say what very noisy come &ask what class we from.
chicken ass.
we gu yi keep talking lah.
then she come lai shi xiong xiong.
:'excuse me, im talking to you. what class are you from. you're disturbing everyone.'
what an asssssssssss.
stupid idiot assing old hag.
ohkay, end of post.
ima bored.


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:26 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

you know something.
i forgot to add in.
i've got a chicken backside father as well

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:43 PM

my mum's such a pig.
ask her write excuse letter for a few days also don wan.
&she's the parent volunteer following us on tues for sculpture walk.
chicken backside lah.
so many days in the hols ask her write excuse letter so i miss a few days also cannot.
what's her problem?
jac 5 days also neh go.
yuvin &krystal think also no luck there-,-
so what? leave me alone lah.
ask her write one day also cannot.
then how i go class bbq?
chicken backside.
i shall be 'sick' on that day.
stupid mum.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
7:49 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

cant resist blogging agn:DDD
`cos i saw one damn nice group.
i alr know they veh nice, but then:DDDD
damn shuai, damn zai, damn pro &everything nice that comes with it:D
they soooooooooooooooooo pro canzxz.
im in love with their songs:DDD
so nice:D
but i think tvxq better hahaha, `cos jaejoong &yunho more handsome;D
but SS501,
i think hyunjoong & jungmin also veh shuai:DDD
edward cullen also lahhhhhhhhh.
stop stop stop.
i so hua chi-,-
but most importantly, i like the songs,
i like songs then i go find them de.
X) changing the songs on my imeem.
`cos sick of them le:D
nvm, this post veh bo liao.
i know.
9.3o got the legend of the brown sugar chivalries(iya, dono lah)
later wan2 watch,
now rushing watch alllllllllllllllll ss501's mvs :DD



♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
7:20 PM

today, morning need go back sch for collection of textbooks.
RAWR, morning go eat macs with jac.
saw sharon &xinyee.
ystd ask sharon eat with me she don wan-,-
say what she rather sleep in,
then i saw her eating macs earlier than me!
eat finish went back sch.
gathered, then went to block 332 &333 collect.
333 no books at alL!!!!!
chicken backside.
332 also,
hahahs, then jac go the mama shop buy poker cards.
4 ppl taidi-ing all the way till the ppl doing 332 joined us.
mr ang came, wanted find out we have collect any thing or not.
seeing we have none, he want us go knock on ppl's door.
HELLO? they still sleeping-,-
so early canzxz.
so my grp, block 333 de ppl.
anyhow knock on those door opened de.
a few only.
neh do whole block.
LOL! we damn zai we know:D
so we went down &play taidi agn.
i keep winning.
but yvonne's grp got collect a lot tb ):
nehmind lah.
still class:D
went back to sch after that, in class sort out the books they collected.
but i neh do it, `cos i lazy X)
after they sort, simin came up &say need gather at foyer.
but me &yuting say veh sian, so we stayed in class HAHAHA.
:/ gather finish, jac say they just talk talk talk only-,-
so lame canzxz.
she came up with sha &xy.
so we played tai-di agn.
after sha &xy left, me &jac taught simin how play taidi.
in the end we play from 11am-12pm, just play taidi only.
i think im hooked on that le...
yah, after that i came home lah.
then realise neh bring keys-,-
so went gm's hse.
ohkay i shall stop crapping X)

5more days marks the end of the year with all of you.

21st nov:D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:56 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

watching 命中注定我爱你now.
damn zai lah that show.
me &jeraldyn come JIANGWANGYE -l-
JIANGWANGYE -l- here &there.
msn talking to jac, veh bored also talk.
pear keep signing in &out LOL!
played hide &seek with my baby cousins:D
they so cute canzxz.
they like to take pic pic. :D
veh cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
they can pose for their pic one canzxz.
you ask them 'CHEESE' they also will cheese:D
tmr got CIP :/
sibeh sians.
i in chrg somemore.
today i make ms lim so angry i so ps le.
tmr eating mac breakfast with my dear baobei jac:D
she's actually a veh nice person.
but sometimes she damn irritating LOL!
iyo, i nothing better to do.
yibian watch you're my destiny, yibian use comp &blogblog.
ima such a faithful blogger.
im posting my baby cousin's pic.
which's in my memory stick-,-
that means not nice de pic.
but nvms lahhhh.
but as usual, `cos blogger sotsot de, soooooooooo
the pic is up there.
once im thinking abt tmr i feel like sleeping.
but tmr BLISS going out:D``
omgomg, love them so much:D


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
7:39 PM

kaiying is superrrrrrr bored:/
yeah, i said that ytsd-,-
don feel like mapling, so talk abt today bah.
went sch early wanted set up booth
but neh do it `cos veh sian, don wan go down.
then see a lot ppl neh bring so decided don wan set up.
during assembly mslim come 'scold' me.
i think she felt veh disappointed, she also used an angry tone.
SORRY ms lim.
assembly programme got what rubbish NUS DANCE SYNERGY.
modern dance-,-
like i care like that.
was practically sleeping throughout!
went out to ask ppl for dengue talk.
zzzz, &flowerpot plates also.
damn sian sia.
yinwei &qijun went, then kana scolded.
zzzz lahs.
so walk walk walk, see a lot damn nice houses):
i wan alsooooooooooooooooo):
jeraldyn &eleanor do damn fast lol, &they got the most flower pot plates.
walked back to sch, `cos at first got backgate canzxz de, thru INDOOR STADIUM.
but mr tana locked it. kns. stupid.
so in the end SO NEAR YET SO FAR, we have to walk one BIGGGGGGG round to reach sch-,-
ohkay, im crapping.
arghs, went back to school aching &stuffs.
got free lunch so heng lahs.
then went back to class play taidi with sha, reb, pear &xy.
yuting also went up, but she read book hahah.
then everytime teacher walk past we play heart attack.
miss lim appeared.
then a lot kana caught.
i neh get caught>< `cos my grp playing de damn pro.
misslim ask theem keep &stuffs lahs.
got literature programme.
damn boring.
so i reading book.
&because it is boring, i shaln't talk or i will sleep.
stayed back collect books till 4.3o.
veh sian, but had fun walking ard ppl's classrooms finding textbooks!

zz, all this talk is making sleeping.

i miss those days.........

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:24 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2008

bored bored bored...........
am wondering what to do now.
`cos is like veh bored.
searching for songs everywhere.
`cos songs veh little):
youtubing also.
asked pear gimme quiz do-,-
see! i so bored until wan2 do quiz.
realise my blog is veh dead.
so come &blog &blog everyday !
im such a faithful blogger!
lol, so random.
i know.
michelle &joey all say i veh random!
ystd suddenly sms joey.
tell her twilight not 12 dec, is 21nov.
then she say i so random go sms her.
sians, looking for funny posts now.
`cos im really really bored.
the song now im listening to is HOW CaN I JUST KILL A MAN.
msn also nobody talk to me):
ppl all come &ask me what to wear tmr-,-
tmr going knock on all those private houses
ask them abt flower plates &stuffs.
then must change or what &warn them abt dengue &blahblahblah.
hp no batt, comp nothing do.
even maple stresses me out-,-
when I LOSE! lol!!
msn also veh bored.
a lot ppl online. but nothing talk to them de.
only pear talk to me.
haha, she finally read finish twilight
which is a good thing `cos is she doesn't ima gonna smack her ass real hard.
surprisingly im not tired(:
wondering why
today such a lonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
morning dance then afternoon go walk walk.
but still nothing do.
pear now talking to me.
only abt twilight-,-
ask me go buy newmoon quickly.
today neh see POPULAR. haha too bad!
saw one of jac's post.
really touched;D
`cos she spoke for me when i cried.
jac's my bestest bestest friend ever!!
although we don camwhore like siaosiaokias, she's still my baobei:DD
the greatest gift that GOD gave me besides yuting &bliss.
CYNDI came back.
missed her, she came back early.
i love her so much, she's always there for BLISS:D
tmr going dengue(i think i say before but nehmind)
i partnering yuting(:
yuting wan2 go triple science next year.
which is B, but i wan2 go C, jac wan2 go D.
so we all diff class):
i'll really miss them lotz if we diff classes.
just realise something.
i from boredom talk until this much!!
iyo, pray hard that we 3 same class next year.
but if yuting wan2 take triple science i think cannot le lah ):
i also wan triple science, my results shld be can bahhhhhhhhhh.
i know itz LOUSY, hopefully just borderline!
yah, say wan triple science, but i scared too stress.
wah, u gimme stress a lil can, but a lot I DIE.
&im more of a HUMANS person:D
yeah, i know my lit loser-,-
chicken backside.
now im really bored.
talk so much feelings thing.
so emotional suddenly.


im praying veh hard.
just to get an answer.
i can only hope everything goes well.
&for the better?
we can all be together.
i will miss you all.
esp the days when we were all horny abt stuffs like chicken&pens.
the year passed too quickly.
my head isn't enough for all those wonderful memories.
which just show that we have too many.
give me time, to digest them all.
realise that we would most probably not be together as a whole grp.
i miss it. :/
i miss the days rebecca ahpo sat in front of me, &i was always snatching color pens from her.
i miss the days where yuting jac &me always went down tgt.
i miss the days pear &me keep talking abt kampung chicken &crapping
i miss the days where sharon &me were passing notes in mstan's class saying how bored are we.
i miss the days where i get to smack jac.
i miss the days where i talk stupid things with yuting
i miss the days where we would stare at xy &laugh suddenly, &xy with a blank look on her face.
i miss the days we played taidi &pretending to play heart attack when teachers walk pass.
i miss the days where ms ow tortured us scolding how well we shld do for lit.
i miss the days when we have food fights.
i miss the everyday morning when we would ignore the councillor &cont. doing our own things.
i miss the days where huien sat in front of me during assembly &i would crap with her
i miss the days where yuvin would be beside me during assembly &we would also crap.
i miss the days we study at hougang point.
i miss the days when we sat together as a grp, TOMB, BHG, YUTING, JAC &ME, talking abt funny things.
i miss the days when 2e2 spent together as a whole class.
i miss the days when ms lim gave prep talks.
i miss the days where simin will ask me if she wan2 refill water bottle.
i miss the days when msthor taught us
i miss the days when me, jac &jetaime crapped abt the 3bitches.
BUT I WOULDN"T miss thalib's lesson
most importantly, i would miss JAC, YUTING, SHARON, REBECCA, XINYEE, PEARLYN
who were with me through the ups &downs.
i love you all.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:19 PM

this morning 1o-12.3o got aesthetics-,-
sibeh sians.
keep dance dance dance.
then in the end stay until 1 o clock,teacher say de -,-
wah i dance until whole body sweat sweat sweat.
chicken ass.
then after that went to marine parade library with my AHPO, jac &mich.
the books there damn little-,-
i see catalogue got a lot, in the end go there so effing little.
idk what's wrong with the monitor-,-
then after that we veh hungry.
bus-ed to parkway parade:D
in the end eat KFC.
ziyi &krystal come join us;D
at KFC, krystal keep blabbing abt the work there,
how they make the thing &stuffs.
`cos she works there-,-
then we saw a boy &girl.
wearing blur color uni.
krystal keep saying the guy so PERVERT.
`cos he keep staring at the girl, eyes almost popping out
diaos, krystal....

we see one woman, sibeh fat de.
wear purple color swimming costume go eat KFC.
then even if it is a SHIRT cum SKIRT,
she wear the pants can see-,-
&her pants veh short le wor.
iya, just think of her wearing whole purple swimming costume
then her grey short pants POP out.
so we talk abt thalib.
see thalib wear this kind.
everybody avoid her.
so i change she wear BIKINI.
then we blabbed abt other stuffs lahs.
saying what she dono how swim `cos she injured.
so drop inside.
CAUSED one BIGGGGGGG hole inside the swimming pool floor
then she dono hit the floor de, thinking haven
so keep shouting for help.
LIFEGUARD also don wan save her.
`cos he/she scared later cannot pull her,
in the end ZIJI fall inside.
we talked abt mich's grp the r&j vid.
talking abt this tmr sha dear ask me go BEG ms ow show us r&j vid-,-
ohyah, talk halfway.
then we talk abt BED SCENE.
yuvin &samuel de
then they have bed scene,
samuel push yuvin on the bed.
then the rest of them(mainly RON) keep making sound effects
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh` ah` oh``ohhonfasn
eee, stuffs like that like.
sians, then we lauging like some mad idiots out of KFC.
went to borders then saw a lot of twilight, new moon &breaking dawn.
no eclipse):
end post le.
hehs. i love the thalib part:DDd


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
6:11 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

edward cullen, austin meyers & zhenxuanyu is like ideal bf:D
edward cullen too old le!!
he's even older then the CORNFLAKE CAN:D
cornflake brand(start with letter kellogg or something like that) is 1906 start de.
edward cullen 19o1 born!! :/ hahha.
michelle &pear all addicted to twilight le.
thanks to me:D
wait wait wait. i talking abt twilight agn, hahah.
austin meyers also veh good:D
hhahah. ;DDDD
he so sweet:D aww, itz like.. nehmind. ;D no words can describe.
SECRETS OF MY HOLLYWOOD LIFE should also be made into a movie lehhh.
so nice, i wan2 see how kaitlin burke looks like:D
um, nothing say!! hahah.
`cos nothing better do say! but he also veh shanjierenyi:D
they say he veh shuai also.

wah sehs, this post damn boliao!! hahaha.
okay, i talk abt today.
morning, come school:
start play taidi.
wah, we play whole morning until assembly.
then sha, yvonne &yuting went up to stage announce our CIP proj.
hehs, then me &claire supposed to brief all the CIP leaders.
but damn chicken sia, so pathetic amt of ppl come. LOL!!
in the end we walk to all the classes ask to see CIP leaders.
hahah, then claire saw the BEE. keep staring at his class.
after mslim's period yangbin came in,
then he talk talk talk a lot.
we still taidi-ing:D
mstan's period we also play tai-di:D
mstan neh care one:D
so goooodddd:/
whole sec 2 i think only our class play.
after recess did some lame-o survey.
hah, me &huien sat together as usual.
then we say th SAI[tulip if no one knows]
LOL!! she wear white &black.
somemore striped de, &she so fat.
LOL!!! hahaa!!
me &huien sat together, then we both grieving abt our results
&kiampa linyuan come &keep saying abt her results!!!
damn pro canzxz/
we grieving over she keep coming
next, we do survey, LOL
me &huien look at no. of qns &any how fill in.
so neh look at the qns.
LOL! then we there keep laughing &laughing like nobody's business
wait, doing survey was before we GRIEVED over our results.
we went back to class.
play tai-di agn.
xinmei's grp kana caught by lu lao shi.
zzzz, we almost all get caught.
LLS ask us why we all sit in circles.
LOL, then we start playing HEART ATTACK.
must right?
we damn zai wor.
end of post le lah.
sibeh long sia :X


see, im really cheered up:)
maybe, i shld think abt something else.
to take my mind off things.
`cos itz really hard to keep a cheerful smile all the time.
im tired.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:21 PM

lolllll, boreddddddddddd.
sians, maybe wawa-ing later;D
i miss my twilight D:
pear took it, yeah i lent her -.-
i miss it sooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh.
miss it so much, waiting for 4th nov;DDDDD
twilight OST come out.
but i got allllllll the songs le ><
except robert's never think or something.
zzzz, this is bored.
i love twilight twilight twilight.
ohkay, this post is abt twilight.
ohkay, i wan2 make new post. :D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:19 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

im officially cheered up.
i tried &cried, but makes no difference.
i decided to be the once happy me again!
actually i cry must blame on jac!!
see? all her fault.
know why?
`cos im trying to relax &suppressed(?) the crying.
then jac the whay pig http://imhere-and-there.blogspot.com/2008/06/lol.html
keep asking me if i okay or not.
then i just BURST out.
today results is like shit shit shit shit.
i hate it.
hate hate hate.
i decided that nobody what i do will change anymore.
so forget bah.
trying to forget that im no longer top 5.
looking for funnaye posts!!
haha, 6o++ posts only.
must post more!!
im cheered up. really.
thanks to the following ppl:
who claimed that their results are worst than me so im supposed to be 'cheered'. but their results are veh good. envious!
next to the ppl who consoled me, but i know their results are so much better.
thanks a lot!:D i really appreciate it.
i've so many good friends :D
last but not least,










♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:29 PM

i din expect to get THIS kind of results.
so what if i tried harD?
so what if i studied?
so what?
what's the point
my results are still lousy.
i cant believe it.
i thought that i would do ok.
getting 1o/25 wasn't what i expected.
although getting 2o/25, 21/25,21/25
my 1o really pull me down a lot a lot.
even those lousier than me all better.
i studied for days &days.
trying to memorise what i can.
in the end?
a pathetic b4.
why can some ppl just not study &get so well?
i really tried my best.
im very tired.
i dono, with this kind of results, i can get into the class i want next year.
im tired of all these studying.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
6:32 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008

decided to come blogging.
`cos i nothing to do-.-
maple leh?
nobody maple. :/
saturday neh use comp.
cos my dad lah.
ytd went to library:D
borrowed 3 chinese book ;DDDDD
omgomg, it looks so nice canzxz!!!
i wannaaaaaaa gooooooooooooooooooo MARINE PARADE LIBRARY.
itz veh niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
ee, why i talk this way:/
im getting results tmr!!!
really nervous!!
pray hard for me please!!!
today is my dad &lydia's birthday!!!


`im off to maple le [haha, i know no one budden...]
yay! jys for me!


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:35 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008

ima now slacking.
converting ♫☺OFFICIAL Esme's Favorite - Edward Cullen☺♫
this song is so sweet:D
piano version.
later finding BELLA'S LULLABY &renesmee de:D
edward cullen isssss soooooooooo sweet.
heard that one paperback copy(?) coming out on 28/1o
dono is it true or not :/
also dono what's that.
just remembered i haven lend pear TWILIGHT yet. ._.
i've got twilight &breaking dawn le.
waiting for the next two books to buy.
mum said that if i can remain top 5 position, she buy me one. :D
if i can jump to 3rd position, SHE BUY ME BOTH.
but so hard leh.
linyuan &huien all so clever .___________.
nvm, as long as my lvl position got improve from pathetic 27 to top 2o...


but now i talk until so confident.
im actually veh scared.
i DONT know if i will do well or not.
it is like over confident.
IM REALLY afraid i drop a lot.
then dieeeeeeee :/
i can only hope that my results will no deteoriate(?)

i hope god bless me with the wisdom.
cross my heart &hope i can do well.


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:17 AM

now waiting for 棒棒堂 - 秘密基地
to load.
slow lahs, but itz worth it:D
wangzi DUIBUQI also veh nice:D
put in my hp le!!
everyday also listen hahah.
damn nice sia.
heard that frh's concert's on the 19th.
most ex is S$171.
i wanted to go.
but heard from my friend is like the 33rd row for the MOST EX?!
chicken lah.
got this kind of thing de -.-
the song upload finish le:D
so happy.
listening now
llallalallalalalal` (starting is supposed to be like that, but i dono how lah!!!!)
sian ji puaaaaaaaaa.
ytd, played maple.
so cool can.
but got ghosts-.-
like bullshit canzxz.
wang zi's voice veh nice! but aaron's one better!!XDDD
must go listen his song`
黑糖群俠傳 also veh nice watch.
wangzi veh shuai inside.
but i still like aaron better.
must support his show that's coming like ard ONE MONTH LATER?
CANT WAIT!!! itz still hols, so can watch!! can watch!!!!
i siao le.
sians, the time now is 8.54AM.
so what am i doing so early?
cant get to sleep.
msn nobody online.
everything nobody online.
sians, i go play maple le.


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:48 AM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

YAY!! the time now is 4.2opm.
maple patch dl-ing:DD
so happy.
just now played audi.
wah seh!
damn lag canzxz
waiting for patch to download.
so come &blog.
but it feels really weird.
no exams.
no school.
lol, itz BORING.
but kinda nice though.
maple how dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy;DDDDD
i siao siao le.
but just now i play audi i though kelvin damn pro.
hah, who knows he actually so NOOB de:DDDD
i thought i so long nvr play he must have win me a lot(last time i win him lah!)
tmr, wanted watch movie.
sian jipuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
asked yuting.
then asked jac.
jac say she cannnnnnooooooooottttttttt.
so in the end? haiish.
muacks all`
im off to play maple``


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:20 PM

you know, life's kinda bored after exams.
imma now slacking at home .______________.
sibeh sian wor.
rebecca ask me play tic tac toe with her -.-
she must be vehveh bored then wan2 play THAT.
kinda wish that there are still exams.
BUT, easy ones lah. no need study de.
then i no need slack like siao.
sians, maple server check.


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
2:39 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ima like sibeh hyper:D
hope all subjects can get A!!:D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:14 PM