Friday, February 27, 2009
My blog's dead :D
I don't really care.
Life sucks.
Guzheng is kinda boring these days.
Tests are like piled up like mountains, never ending somemore.
山重水复疑无路。*laughs, yanglaoshi.*
Seriously la, 3tests past. I haven't got any confidence that I will PASS it.
Like, I've got this feeling like I'm flunking all.
Tmrw going out study!
If I don't study, with my mediocre knowledge of lit &phy & chem & hist, how can I pass?
Well, I don't get anything on phy. Like wth has acceleration got to do with velocity blahblahblah.
Okay, fine.
Maybe I understand a LITTLE bit only.
I spammed teachers with qns,
(like duh, everyone knows)
But I don't get anything either.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:52 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Ystd, I was given this qns:
What will I wanna be when I grow up?
By jasmine.
But I haven't really have any goals.
I think that I haven't really decided.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:21 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Ah Yi! (cannot type her age one! :D )
7Th Feb:
Happy Birthday 9th Kai Xin the noob sister O:
8Th feb:
Happy 15th birthday, Qi Jun! :D
Happy 15th Birthday to Kweeyong another lame one.
Life's boring, tests are finishing.
I didn't fail amaths! Hahaha.
Just passed :X
Due to method marks, lol!
Jumped over the wall when I found out that I didn't fail!
I thought I would only get 3/22!
Hahaha! :DD
One more test tmrw, &I'm lazy to blog about the week!
Just that Sheena Ting is pathetic hahah!
Oh yes, ZHSS wants me to get 6points for L1R5.
I think I die first before I can get 6points, lol.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:22 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Confirm fail liao la, all subjects.
A maths, so hard, whole paper I only know how to do
ONE qns.
How pathetic, *laughs*
Set the damn paper until so hard, his own class also dk how to do!!!
I'm stupid blahblahblah.
Kelvin's always suan-ing me.
Say what, he know how to do!!!!
Wth, failfailfail.
Physics I also no hope le la, compare answer all wrong.
Tmrw is SS, I also no hope.
Lazy study alr.
Alr know will fail, study somemore I think my head will burst.
I hate school.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:41 PM
My father is a total arse-hole.
Damn it.
Just because I'm using computer, means that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing?
Oh right.
So when I'm looking at a lit page, ©ing notes, means I haven't finish my homework and rushing out?
Can't I be using the computer looking for literature notes? Can't I be revising for my lit test tmrw?
Oh bloody-ly right, I so damn can't live without computer `cos you got me using the computer?
I've got nothing to say then.
Lit test, 2/2/o9
Probably fail it. Yeah.
o9o130 ENGLISH, letter
o9o2o2 Literature (oh hell)
o9o2o3 A maths (shits, indices)
o9o2o3 Physics (diedie)
o9o2o4 Social Studies (Fail)o9o2o5 Chemistry (help!)
o9o2o6 HMT (My ming yan jing ju!! haven't learn-,-)
o9o2o9 Maths (damn, indices again)
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:21 PM