Sunday, May 31, 2009
No life these days manzxz.
If I'm not fantasizing over SS501 or SuJu, I'm doing homework.
Life pretty suck much.
I went to church ystd.
I love going to church these days :D
My life is such a bore.
Kay, I want to blog about something that sheena ting had mentioned.
"Don't hate anyone. "
Xiaoyan asked me to read D48 lesson three.
I did, and these words just struck me.
Treat them with love, that's what God wants us to do.
No matter how much I hate slime/caterpillar, I will gladly change it to dislike.
Maybe I will treat you with much dislike, but no hate.
I will do my best and get over it.
Although I still think that you, SLIME, is a slut.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:30 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009
Well today is a good and a bad day.
Firstly, I got my report book! :D
Don't really like it cause of level position.
Bloody shit. Okay I feel like screaming a lot of vulgar now.
Thanks to some people.
Mr chew's period that time sharon not arnd.
Then I was the ONLY one making silly jokes and laughing to myself.
I was darn embarrassed.
hehhe, But nvm :D
Went amk and hougang with jac today after school. :D
And we crapped a lot about SuJu.
Sheena gave me a pic of hyun joong.
I will stare at it when i go crazy over suju.
So that I will fall in love with them all over again!
Hahha :D
SS501 is my longest craze ever since feilunhai which lasted less than half a yr.
About one or two months more,
Must at least hit one year, kaiying! :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:45 PM

Thursday, May 28, 2009
The super craze over SuJu now.
Especially hanling!
When she see eunhyuk showing one arm muscles doing chest popping! O:
Imagine her reaction! :D hahah
I sent xingzi a theme today.
Then she went crazy and saying that kimbum's her husband.
Hahah :D
Nothing to blog.
Just want to say that I'm very disappointed in my results.
It wasn't that good as I expected.
And damn it, I lost to that stupid slime.
Kill her/
Tmrw report book ):
Mr chew is gonna treat us to pizzas! Kekke :D
Mr chew is damn cool :D
My friend's friend.
Kay I wanna say that Ying Hou (i like calling his chi name. ahah) and ANG wei Li is officially my pets! :D Though I got many more.
My 'best' friends :D
My swine(sharon suggested it:O) and my MONKEY! :D
Don't steal them kay.
They not going sec 3 camp.
Sian, all my pets not going.
At least sharon's going
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:42 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Went cable ski ystd!! :D
Damn cool.
Kept falling tho, but everytime I fall is fall far away from the 'station'.
Then I have to walk walk walk, carry the kneeboard, walk walk walk back.
Super heavy.
Furthermore, must swim back to the shore.
But it is damn fun! :D
Omg, I love it <3
The string had to pull me mah, in the end, my hands ache a lot, a lot.
Muscles. O:
Sharon is super jealous that I went cable ski! :D
Must go again next time!
Save money now!! ):
Or next time ask 3E4 go, then got 15 pple, can cheaper 20bucks.
Heheheh :D
Talked to claud and Eleanor :D
Claudia Tan Li Yi is super crazy about kim bum.
Handphone theme also kim bum
Everyday keep looking at her wallpaper.
Like, cos kim bum's picture kept changing.
I'm not like that :D
I'm not so hua chi!
Hahhaa :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:39 AM

Friday, May 22, 2009
Suddenly I miss E2 );
Today had sports day.
Sec 3 nobody enthu la.
Slept throughout the whole sports day.
Except one part when tengboon run.
Say must cheer for him, since he's the only E4 who participated.
Anw, went amk hub with yan ni later on, artbox-ed for joan :D
Continued to sengkang, cause meeting jac there.
Now just come home.
Addicted to strawberry milk tea suddenly!
Sam, it's all your fault! ><
Lazy to blog, just wanna end here with 2 pics.
Going to youtube :D
SS501 <3
Okay, mad.
I feel like buying ss501's latest album laaaa><
No moneyyyyyyyyy.
Damn ex.
NEcklace gu jun pyo gave to geum jan di.
Damn nice.
It's mine! :D
Don't snatch!
DOUBLE- S- Oh-Gong (?)-IL!!
Sian, okay really ending here.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:41 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Why go through all the complications of dating a bad boy when you could just be with a good old fashion nice guy? He’ll always be there for you when you need him (even if you don’t ask), he’ll cheer you up when you’re down, he’ll play violin for you in the middle of the forest, and he’ll give you sage-like words of wisdom on Life and Love. He’s one yummy fortune cookie.
Damn happy!!! :D
<3 Ji hoo, SS501!!
Idk why, I just like pple who play instruments. Lol
Ikuto <3
He and his violin.
Xiaoxin said this,
LOL why your idols all play violin de?
Lmao, Idk too!
Damn happy!
Am on cloud nine!
To add up on it,
I won joshua in 6 subjects!!
Friday, going to go out with Eleanor buy prezzie for Joan which we owed so long
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:27 PM
Boring day.
Shan't talk about it.
D.C is damn lame la!
Whenever me and sharon wanna get marks from him he will be like doing a crying sign.
When he announce in class that marks cannot be changed,
Sharon was like (kind of whispering to me, but damn loud):
He say also no choice, don't friend him lor.
Day practically ended like this.
I thought my e-maths marks was quite high lor ):
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:15 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today sucks.
A lot.
I got back 6/8 for my paper results.
None of them is good enough to show my dad.
Especially Chinese.
And I've got piano later.
In one hour time.
Wow, how good to make my stupid day end off with piano.
I hate my results.
hate it hate it hate it.
Lol I know it's damn funny la.
When I receive the results I cry.
Before I took the paper, I too nervous until I cry.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:17 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009
I saw you today(:
Was quite nervous before.
`Cos I was afraid that I will do something wrong since I'm not a buddhist.
Hmm, as I see sam talking to you more and more.
I open up more and started talking to you.
Today, me and sam remembered a lot of the past.
Me, you, sam, sze min(:
I just realised that, no matter how much I tell sam to let go of the past,
She won't be able to.
`Cos I'm not able to.
Lol, I've been telling myself to let go too.
But I guess I can't let go,
since I've been having sleepless nights since day one about you and us.
There was everyday with you.
Now there isn't at all anydays with you.
Of course, there is still the past for us to hold on to,
but there will no longer be and future.
Since Mar 26, I've learnt to cherish people more.
Love you! (: (L)
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:07 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009
I'm kind of nervous.
What would I say to you when I see you tmrw?
Will I cry, just like that day?
Or would I just silently stand there, looking at your picture?
We must let go of somethings, but some are just not able to be let go.
Whenever I see those photos, I'm constantly reminded of how you treated me.
From pri one to pri six, you, me, sam, lihao and benny.
5of us have been in the same class for consecutive six years.
The bond is there, no matter what.
Regardless of where you are.
I love you(:
I've got this urge to blog this, because I'm feeling quite furious abt it.
I read something today.
This is just what I'm thinking.
But if that's the case.
There's a reason to be angry.
Some things never ever changes.
Just like the people who are willing to be there for you, they will always be there.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
7:04 PM
I'm lazy to blog, but just wanna blog abt ystd :D
Ystd was damn fun :D
I love going to church these days.
Idk why O:
A break from everything (;
Then I went for my korean lesson :D
Was crapping abt boys over flowers with the teacher :D
Then got another girl called doreen also came and join us talk.
Talk until the teacher so pekchek.
At first lesson shld end at nine la, but the teacher let us off 5mins earlier!!
Then we rush-ed home and went to catch boys over flowers although we finished watching!! :D
Okay, just realised I have no life.
When I reached home, I was spam sms-ing and spam calling everyone.
Sms went like this:
Boys over flowers tonight! 9.15pm on channel u! Must go and watch and support my idol kim hyun joong acting as yoon ji hoo! <33 SS501 (: okay I'm random
Sheena replied me: Did you like send that sms to the whole world?
Yeah I did :D
First episode, got a lot a lot of food.
Sheena kept calling me and tell me that the food are so nice!
Typical food loser.
When the show is about to end, Sheena called me and say hyun joong is okay only.
She likes kim bum more.
Tsk, like see wan like that.
Bleah, I like hyun joong can alr.
Then the whole night was sms-ing shiyun.
And she told me that my idol is kinda cute and they are uber rich :D
We went to talk abt how brutal and guo fen F4 were.
But I said in the end goo jun pyo become very sweet.
My idol is sweeter, 119 fire engine (:
Then we were like talking and talking.
My father was like stop talking la.
Then he kept making a lot of bg noises so shiyun cannot hear me.
Tmrw, I'm going to visit claudia with sam.
I wonder how she is, hope she is fine with God.
Happy (:
Next saturday have to wake up early!!
Cable ski with ERs.
Damn excited :D
Must wake up at 6.30AM to reach tpy at 7.30am T.T
`Cos 8.30am must reach East coast.
Although I got 3straight bus to go East coast from my hse here, I decided to follow shi yun they all :D
Go tpy first :D
(michelle I know you wanna go tpy :D )
The more the merrier.
Later I sleep on the bus T.T
got pple talk to me then I won't sleep :D
OKay I'm going youtubing now! :D
SS501 <3
Oh yes, and I found a lot of BOF parodies.
I like FT island one the most :D
I love bliss :D
crystal, joan, claudia, shi yun, eleanor :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:12 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009
Okay, I just like to post this post out of random-ness.
I bought U Zhou Kan or whatever that's call!
My mum was like laughing at me for being so crazy.
Then I called jac and tell her about kim hyun joong!
Leader <33
SS501's new album is going to come out!
But is japanese one.
I don't understand a bit.
Nvm, they still sing very good!
Oh yes, I changed blog song.
Must listen okay :D
i love it loads :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:52 PM
I'm posting now! (to shiyun :D)
It has been pretty tough these days.
Exams are officially over.
Oh wait, no.
I still got one lit unseen and one Chi listening compre.
Don't really care.
I feel so relax now!! :D
no more studying like mad.
Oh well, I do miss going to everyone's hse everyday to study!
I like to go jia yi's hse!!
Can bully her brother when her brother throw his bolster on aaron's poster.
Jia yi is damn pissed :D
First time see her angry O:
Exams are over.
So relaxed.
Science- Physics and Chemistry sure fail one.
Congratulate me.
It's the hardest paper ever!!
Even last year one is super easy la.
ZZZ, I fail, my dad's killing me.
Siqin: Yay! :D Ji Hoo is damn shuai :D
Sam: Sheena Ting is SO not cute. She sucks. I talk to her she don't want talk to me.
Sheena: Slaps me, I kill you. No need wait till sam kill you. I'll kill you now. Yes I'm a meanie. I see smiley PIG. sheena, tsk tsk.
Eugenia: Where where????
Shi Yun: Posted :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:19 AM

Friday, May 8, 2009
I LOVE SAM YEO!Who said that she will lend me her unlimited sms-es.
Who said that she will help me if someone bully me.
Sam yeo, there's one sitting in front of me!
She's my enemy! >(
Sheena Ting jia wen.
Kill her kill her.
-oh no to my butt. -
I know sam yeo loves me too :DIdk, but I just find it hard to face you all.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:14 PM
Title is weird, but gah!
My butt hurts, thanks to my enemy sheena ting.
She's my enemy!! >(
My butt hurts.
I haven't really cram yet.
Tmrw must study.
Stop using the comp, kaiying! !!!!!
Today went to library to study with sha, small heart, jiayi and xinyan.
Damn fun, but when enemy joined later so noisy!
I must really go out with jia yi to shop shop one day!
WE will spend like the WHOLE day looking for cute cute f4 posters! :D
hyun Joong ah~
Hope they come sg publicize boys over flowers.
SS501 Asian world tour.
Are they coming sg? ):
Hope so!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
7:59 PM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
i didn't know, really.
I didn't know it was my fault.
You all can tell me in my face actually.
Hearing from others just makes me even worse.
I don't wanna hear anything from others but you all.
By yourself.
That's why darren is sitting behind me now, eh.
I thought you all were my friends.
Telling me straight is better.
I know, you all don't wanna hurt me.
But, it just makes things worse.
I'm sorry for being a disturbance.
I broke down today.
Hearing jacquelyn asking me if I'm alright was too much.
Someone asking where's her table makes things even worse.
Receiving xiaoxin's sms was heartwarming.
I don't know what to do anymore.
All I can do is to lessen all your sufferings of noisiness by keeping quiet.
I'm tired.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
6:50 PM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
*Slaps myself in the face.*
Using the comp again because I can't resist the temptation.
I was like damn fustrated with piano.
I didn't really practise it when I'm supposed to learn a new song.
Zz, somemore tmrw is piano.
Teacher can kill me manzxz.
Flunk-ed ss exam today.
They ask about similarity for comparison.
I said that they are similar cause
both talk about healthcare.I can't find any similarities!
Sure fail that one la, furthermore I didn't put the tone/purpose T.T
The issue is: Healthcare in sg.
Naturally all talk about health care right?
My 9 photo cards~
SS501 <3
Okay leave me alone ><
Okay pictures.
I scanned them in! :D
Whether I like it or not, i only scanned some.
I don't like goo hye sun.
Tried not to scan hers.
Kaiying what's wrong with you.
*hit my head again*
stop looking at the computer and like, go study or something.
Wait till you fail then you know!
I'm dead meat.
Star Golden Bell is starting soon.
Better blog quickly and watch nicole and alexander! (if he's there)
Green's not suitable for the background.
Can you see hyun joong?
Can can can?
her laugh is funny. No offense.
The coolest guy there :D
Cause hyun joong is inside.
She looks funny with two pigtails.
But she can be pretty also la.
I love this pic post!
Oh, talking about piano T.T
Ga-eul, yijung <3
So many instruments.

I'm blacklisted by F4!!!
If only.
Someone help me. T.T
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:25 PM

Monday, May 4, 2009
So many pple sms me at the same time about ss.
Dad's gonna kill me :O
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:27 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009
I just saw hyun joong on tv <333
Kkotboda namja, out on tv in this month.
Hopefully they replaced the stupid channel u show every weekday 7-8pm.
I will wanna come home earlier everyday!!
Kim hyun Joong!
When's my album with the 9photo cards coming? ):
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:31 PM

Saturday, May 2, 2009
After reading sam's posts, i felt so sad.
Why should this happen to her?
Why why why why why?
I just realise, she means a lot to me.
Sam mentioned the playground.
Oh it has been knocked down to make place for the new lift.
It's gone, just like you.
Rmbr, primary one?
We were like innocent school kids playing the slides and catching?
I still remember, i still remember.
With mine and sam's grandfather talking at the seats, we were running arnd the playground after school.
With our school uniforms.
Laughing and laughing.
Now these are gone.
I remembered how you will try to help me whenever wen min wanted to scare me.
I cried, you hugged me.
I went to your house.
Every new year.
Cause you wanted to play poker cards.
No matter what, I will remember you.
I'm sad. Yeah.
Nothing helps.
Doesn't change anything.
Can you see how sad are the people who loved you?
Why are you gone so fast?
I want to visit you.
I want to break down and just say how I much I miss you.
Exams are giving me a headache.
I want to and I promise, after exams I will visit you immediately.
No matter how far.
Just to let you know, you'll always be in our hearts.
Just half a year from 26th march, you'll be 15 on 28sept.
You aren't even 15.
Life sucks.
Life is unpredictable.
Hate to say this, but reminiscing the past is saddening.
Can you say, I think of you everytime before I prepared to sleep?
Thinking of the times we had together since primary one.
How long has it been?
8years. 8years.
It's not even 10 years.
I wonder if you're happy up there with God.
You should be.
But we aren't.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:21 PM

Friday, May 1, 2009
Lazy to blog these days.
Exams are coming!
Haven't start studying yet T.T
The homework-s alone are killing me.
First paper, english.
I have simply no confidence in english papers.
After the C6 x2.
Yeah, no confidence.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
2:00 PM