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♥SHINee world
(츄~♡) The bells are ringing in my head



The name is KAIYING. I'm a 15-year-old student who resides in Singapore.
I sat behind the desks of 6A'06, 2E2'08, 4E4'10 ♥
Egg cracked day: 940908.
I'm a SHAWOL along with Jacquelyn and HanLing
SHINee is the current obsession, and forever the one <3
I enjoy laughing with my friends, and have fun with them.

bold underlined strikethrough italic

Ring Ding Dong

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Best Place

Forever a SHAWOL
Go SHINee's concert!
SNSD's BEYONDx/GG's mv Hoodie
Key's Lightning earrings
Forever friends, <3
All As for my subjects T^T

Love like oxygen

Super Junior
♥You're Beautiful, Shinwoo oppa <3
♥God Of Study, Chandoo <3
♥Katekyo Hitman Reborn
♥Twilight Saga
♥Percy Jackson
♥Infinitely Teen Top

Talk to me

ShoutMix chat widget

Love's way

Meet the people I love♥

Eleanor Ang
KweeYong &LiHao
Pearlyn Au
Pearlyn Toh
Siqi &Siqin


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010



Layout Designer:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Random :D heh.

Haha, I had a fun day today.
I shan't talk about school.
I like today's amaths lesson.
Hopefully it will be the same everyday.

English today was really really fun!!
We're supposed to do research on animals.
Their habitats and way of conversing.
Must put their pictures there also..

haha, then they decided that we should do Suju's de..
I wanted to do fishy!! Donghae <3
But, fish very boring lehhh.
So I changed to Panda instead haha.
Jacquelyn did her 'sea-lion'
HanLing did squirrel I think, RYEOWOOK!!!

So ended up with Hankyung, half Kyuhyun and Ryeowook.

Went kovan with Hanling after school to meet mum there.
HanLing bought her 'cooking cooking' album!
I told her there got sell.
Haha :D
She went crazy after that.

Oh I finally bought a rubber band and clips!
I need it badly :X
Today when I got p.e run like siao, the hair 'clip' kept dropping, make me so pekchek!!
Hahaa, telephone wire is so cute.
But not tight, so I'm considering if I should tie that to school..

I better get on with doing english¬
hankyung ;D
Haha, panda ;D
A symbol of china.

Just realise today that Chen Min likes Donghae too.
:D Sharon as well.
See?! Donghae is so popular. :D
Friday after chinese, while waiting for Hanling and Jacquelyn, we're gonna exchange piccys¬

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:30 PM

Monday, June 29, 2009

First day of school, not much to talk about.
I pretty much dozed off in chemistry, and ended up just copying the answer.
But I tried to understand why is it that answer kayy.
I just copy all the answers and when I like the qns, (normally is cos I know how :D )
Then I will just work it out la, but only some out of 15. Haha!

PE first period.
Since taking height(yes I hate that, don't say a word.)
So after taking, I was like shouting like a mad idiot(!) to ask the e4 girls to play murderer with me.
Yeah, but either say don't know or just use the fingers and bang me.
-,- Esp sharon!!

Lit was next, looked forward to it.
Cause Hanling's in the same class as me.
But didn't fangirl in the end, as mrs dheeee kept doing lit.
We're supposed to do lit anw. Lol.
So open up the thumbdrive, `cos the impt key quotes inside.
Haha, in the end all the pics that we went to print are inside, cause I nvr delete it.
Keke, mrs dheee wasn't arnd starting, so hanling was like wanna open the pics anot?
Sharon was super shock at the pics tho. Lol!

Chinese next!
Yay I'm still in yang lao shi's class.
Band one hmt :D
Omg, I was super-ly surprised!
Yay! And Yvonne, simin &huien joined us too :D

Recess then chem le.
As I said, dozing off. Keke.
Then Idk why, o-h-s kept laughing at laughing at the H1N1, saying don't know what.
He's mad. Going mad, laughing to himself.
And the audience, was like: er...
Chem nvr reband! Yay! :D I'm still in mr okk classsssss.

English(I wanted to reband for this, like seriously. Drop to band 2 or something)
Mrs dheeee wants us to read the H1N1 article.
I was like hiding behing the newspaper cause I doodled a lot korean stuff on the article alr, don't make read it.
Fyi, Sharon even stressed Mrs Dheeee to do the article.
Slacked a lot, she wanted to let us watch the Incredibles, but lappy can't connect. Haha.

Yeps, if SS501 is coming Singapore at the end of yr, and I'm able to make it, Tiffany's gonna go with me! Yay!! But should I pangseh her, haha!!! And go along with the TripleS?
She probably can't stand my screaming haha.
By the looks of it, you can see that my english class was screwed up, because we kept fangirl-ing.
And noooo huijun, we don't like 2pm haha.
They will be like: Again and again and again.. Blahblahblah. Then something like Moolaaaaaaa.

Emaths lesson was cool!
I love today's emaths lesson.
Esp how mr low drew the h1n1 pple.

After school, Pearlyn, Krystal and Cindy took the pic of Super Junior and a few from mine, trying to mix and match, see who is who.
Haha, cindy is such a pro at it.
They kept saying what: Iya, just see the mouth small small, the nose like that, the eyes quite big...
It was duper funny.
Haha, not planning to fangirl in front of the comp today.
I've got work to do.
But I'm lazy.

Me, Jac and Hanling.
We're probably gonna make a keychain of ELF tmrw, hhehehehe.

Trying to save 10bucks per week (:
For my JBPP, my JBP plan. yesyes! 6weeks can hit 60bucks liao, go kaiying!
Hanling's guessing for JBP, jacquelyn don't know what's that.
She seems so sad when I don't wanna tell her D:
Hehe, hanling also not sure laaaa.
Jac you will find out after I save finish.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:53 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh manzxz, I can't believe it, school's starting tmrw.
I see many pple trying to rush their homework.
Hahah, I feel so carefree :D
Jealous? Hehe.

I just wanna see my friends after a month.
The rest things about the school, I can simply forget it.

Was flipping through all my mags, found a lot Super Junior de.
Hehe. And I was reading through.
Donghae <3
So many funny things.
Ask him what things do he find in a girl that attracts him, he just say: I like can already.
So cute :D

Han Ling's infatuated with Leeteuk.
O.o I think he's a perv. eeeee.

Watching Boys Generation the 'Gee' cover now.
So funny, laughing muchzxz ;D
So kewtz.
I watch a lot of times alr, never seems to get sick of it.

Hmm, just went church today.
Attended peaks, hmm, not bad la.
I'm gonna do it.
is super LOW

I love my dinner. Hahah.
So random right?
I should be off flipping my magazines.

I just popped by LIEW WEN MIN'S BLOG!!!!!!!
I don't like her answers.
Nooooooo :(
I'm sad now, see wenmin!!!
See how you make me sad!!
Next time I got quiz I will tag you like siao and make you so busy.
I sound so evil hehe.

Hanling used my lit essay as reference,
Mrs dheeee says that must research and credit the workkkk, she wanted to write my name.
Hahahaha, I was laughing like siao la.
Idk whhhhyyyy.

I'm probably going crazy, and blogging two times in a day.
Yeps, going fangirl mode alr.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:42 PM

happy birthday, tiffany chan. haha!

Bored T.T
I'm going church later, lalal` :D
Got Peaks workshop.
I think everybody is there, lol.

Sian, I just finished my part of the EL proj.
Just lump everything tgt, Hahaahahahaa.
Online with hanling now ;D
okay, really bored. Let me blog about ystd.

Reached church at 1:30 ystd, for worship practice.
Wandered arnd with Eleanor :D , cause nobody here yet.
Kept teasing shiyun about her blog quiz :D
Cause crystal wanted us to sign something for Bennett for his bday.

Louis asked us to pray and ask God what is his plan for us.
Idk laaa, then I kept thinking about my results, hell, how am I gonna get into VJC.
Then suddenly pop out a word, so I just write down.
I was really really surprised, I mean, you couldn't expect me to do much of this.
Even in school for proj or whatever.

Kept sms-ing hanling, cause she's keeping me update about Super Junior, since I'm away at church, and I've got Korean class straight after.
Seriously no break, so can't stop and watch the tv D:

Korean class, talked about SS501 coming to Singapore at the end of the yr D:
I was super sad, cause I can't go.
I would be in South Korea when they come.
So yeah..
D: Jacquelyn and Han Ling are telling me, that's the whole point, you're gonna give up on them.
then they will laugh hysterically.

Going out soon, cause mum needa go back and work.
bye :D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:39 AM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm tagged to do quiz, lol.
I wonder how long I haven't done a quiz..

All 14 people must do the quiz, unless he or she doesn't have a blog.

1. Jacquelyn
2. Han Ling
3. Shi Yun
4. Joan
5. Crystal
6. Claudia.
7. Eleanor Ang
8. Pearlyn Toh
9. Michelle
10. Eugenia
11. Sharon
12. Sheena
13. Xiao Xin
14. Delia

How did you get to meet 7?
[eleanor] Church ;D

What would you do if you and 13 never meets?
[Xiaoxin] I will feel very sad ):

What would you do if 1 and 12 date?
[Jacquelyn and Sheena] Wish them all the best? Lollll.

Have you ever seen 14 cry?
[Delia] No.

Would 4 and 11 be a good couple?
[Joan and Sharon] Lol, don't think so.

Do you think 11 is attractive?
[Sharon] Yeah, ;D

What's 2 favourite colour?
[Han Ling] Ehh, Idk wor. Sapphire blue or rainbow I guess :D {SUJU!}

When was the last time you talk to 9?
[Michelle] On her blog I guess.

What language does 8 speaks?
[pearlyn toh] Weird language. Mainly english mix with alien.

Who is 13 going out with?
[Xiao Xin] Yan Ni? Xiao xin is the boyfriend, lol.

What grade is 12 in?
[Sheena] Grade one la, she only talks about food. Lol.

Would you ever date with 10?
[Eugenia] Haha, she got Sharon liao.

Where does 5 lives?
[Crystal] Sengkang (:

What's the best thing about 3?
[ShiYun] Sensitive to people's feelings! (:

What would you want to tell 10 now?
[Eugenia] Hi? Lol.

What's the best thing about 8?
[Pearlyn] I'm jealous of her height, lol.

Have you ever kissed 5?
[Crystal] Lol, no.

What was the best memory you have with 7?
[Eleanor] Everything. (:

When was the last time you saw 6?
[Claudia] Last week, survival camp.

How are 12 and 14 different?
[Sheena and Delia] Sheena talks about food all day long, Delia calls me her parrot all day long.

How did you meet 5?
[Crystal] Church.

Do you hate 12?
[Sheena] Noooo :D

What was the last thing you said to 3?
[Shiyun] Your quiz is super long -,-

Have you been to 5's house?
[Crystal] Er, no.

When's the next time you're gonna see 10?
[Eugenia] 2days later

Are you close to 13?
[Xiao xin] I guess so! My small heart! <3

Have you gotten into trouble with 8?
[Pearlyn] Not doing our homework?

Would you give 2 a hug?
[HanLing] Anytime (: She rathers Leeteuk hugs her-,-

When have you lied to 3?
[Shiyun] Nahhh. Shiyun, I'm getting pekchek!

Is 1 good with Socializing
[Jacquelyn] Yeahhhhhhh :D

Desribe the relationship between 12 and 14.
[Sheena &Delia] Good friends?

Best thing about your relationship with 9?
[Michelle] I would love you more than ss501, haha.

What's the worst thing about 6?
[Claudia] Nothing.

Have you ever had a crush on 12?
[Sheena] She's gonna laugh when she sees this. NO.

Does 14 has a gf/bf?
[Delia] Ask her yourself la, Lol.

HAve you ever wanted to punch 1's face?
[Jacquelyn] Many times!!

Have 2 met your mother?
[han Ling] Yeps.

How did you get to meet 3?
[Shiyun] Church.

Did you ever physically hurt 3?
[Shiyun] Nope.

Do you stay close to 7?
[Eleanor] Totally not.

What's 8 favourite food?
[Pearlyn] Bu zhi daoooo ):

What kind of car does 1 has?
[Jacquelyn] Imaginary car.

Have you ever travelled anywhere with 9 before?
[Michelle] bus counted anot?

If you give 14 $100, what will she spent it on?
[Delia] Buying preys for her eagle family :D

Oh great, finally done.
I wanted to post about my trip ystd.
Guess there's no time left.

I enjoyed myself with Amanda, and we talk about a lot of things.
K-pop mostly.

'Threads of Destiny' is a nice movie, but it can't beat SKY OF LOVE.
It's ending was stupid.
They hug and leave each other, bam!
Shall blog about it if I have a chance.

Now I'm hooked on Brown Eyed Girls 'How'.

Boys generation sang GEE.
Hahah, so cool! :D

I don't get it, why does pple anti SNSD?
They are great. If they aren't, why SM chose them?
Taeyeon and Jessica has great vocals.

Super Junior <3.
Donghae. Hahah :D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:52 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009

Now I'm wondering, why isn't my birthday on those months?
Although, I really love September.
Kkkekek <3
Just 6days apart from Jac the old woman.
And one day apart from shiyun.

I love my blogskin and blog now~
Idk why.
I changed a lot of things.
And yeah, added Super Junior's pic, since I'm like overly crazy now.
Hanling's much worse.

Yay Amanda's going to watch 'Threads of Destiny' with me later in the night!
I can't wait!
I'm busy with videos this whole morning, but after using the comp for so long, I got sick of it.

I went to do the petition for Super Junior to come to Singapore again, hhhahah.
Seriously, anything to pass my time (;

And that's why I changed my blogskin everything everything, blog url also.
Seriously bored, I'm random.

Now I'm wondering why I finished my work so early in the MORNING, and I'm stuck here at home until evening time.

I'm beginning to be like Han Ling, blog whenever we're bored.

I need a rainbow to be with me, to cheer me up, to make me feel not BORED.

A spark of light, I'm blogging a sentence by a sentence. How interesting.

School's starting again, have to cope with everything AGAIN.
How I wish holiday would never end until I want it to end.
Sometimes, when I feel really bored I want it to end.

I think I wanna set up a Junior College when I grow up.
The JC everyone wanna go to.
Random huh?

Oh shit hell, my dad doesn't want to sign my report book.
So much for getting the first in class.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:26 PM

26th June,
Time flies so fast, it's been the third month alr.

I miss you a lot ):
It hurts not to be able to see you again.
The last time I saw you, it just seems like ystd..

I still got the gift you gave me 7years ago.
I might not remember what I said, but the memories will be always in my head.

Forever we'll be friends,
Forever I'll remember you,


It's 6.30am now.
Why am I up so early?
Ughs, just to finish my lit laaa.
Ystd due to hanling and jac kept talking and talking and talking distracting me.
Luckily I have strong will power.
I just have 2 very very long paragraphs to complete since I finished like 9 long paragraphs.
Oh add on my collage, I haven't start on it YET.

Hanling came my hse ystd!
Morning, we planned our essay!
We did okay, not typical fangirl.
Yeah, but Hanling's phone is always so near, and we end up fangirl-ing while doing.
Don't ask us how we did it.

Locked ourselves in the room, and hanling took my toys!
I've got the racoon she(: gave me and HL said that it was kangin.
And she kept taking the pooh jac gave me to do popping.
We took videos of it, but it was a disaster lol.
Anw, we did lit.

Lunch-ed and everybody left except us :D
We fangirl-ed about Yesung's yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo, where he will keep poking people, Siwon eating a banana then he acted like a monkey. A lot a lot.

Jac couldn't come!
Went to her hse instead :D Ate grass jelly or don't know what.
Couldn't use the comp.
So I was staring at Hanling iPhone, looking at Donghae play the violin.
He's playing twinkle twinkle little star, LOL.
Okay, I watched it like many times, and I always got cracked up by it, since his note is......

Watched jac's dvd and went home.

Hopefully I finish lit and someone would go to the movies with me later.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
6:54 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey hey! Support Super Junior in order for them to come Singapore!
It only takes less than a minute!
Please help ):
I can give you all the details about them if you all want!
Just help me.
Lol, I sound so pathetic :D

Try help kay!
I'm really pathetic, kay thanks.


Tmrw hanling and jaccc coming my hse!
Doing lit first, I'm done with all except lit.
Lol. And maybe the EL proj, hhahah I suck.

Went out to study with XX today, did more of slacking.
Shall blog about it again, bye!

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:20 PM

Monday, June 22, 2009

YAY I'm back from camp! It was really really fun, so I'm blogging about it now!

Originally 19-21st june, but ERs went earlier :D
BBQ-ed and had worship practice! I did the sound system!
So cooooool laa ;D
Finished practice about 1am, and went to sleep at about 2+, because Crystal and Joan kept talking :D
But we had fun laaaa :D
Had to woke up at about 6.30am tho.. Hhaha.
Shiyun, Crystal, Joan and Claudia gave me a bracelet, REALLY THANKS! :D

19th June,
No energy to do anything LOL.
Idk why they ask us wake up so early la!
We supposed to gather at 9am?!
Played ice-breaker, took pictures, and GABON! The group I was in :D
It's the best group ever :D
Xuan as patrol guide and bennett as A.p.g
RKs- Jared, Hui Xuan, Joshua.
DRs- Clarissa
ARs- Grace, Angel, Lilian, Kai Zhi, Sheng Ping, Elijah, Jonathan
ERs- Claudia, Me, Ivan.

Had to cook lunch ourselves, had to built fire and cook.
I was the 'ladle mum' as what Xuan called me. LOL.
Actually I only held the ladle and stirred the food.
Ate maggi meeeeee :D
Super nice, cos most of us ate from the pot and didn't take plates!
Cos GABON's tripod was really anyhow tied de, commander david taught us how to tie.
Actually only Grace, me and bennett only. `Cos the others busy cooking.
After that,
Built primitive shelter.
commander ah ping led us.
he's like damn pro la.
I really suck on the first day, everything I also forget.
My square lashing, my clove hitch, everything forget.
I suck a lot.
Heng Xuan was there, she helped me a lot :D
And I remembered! Yay :D

Had rocket shooting, who knows the water is like MUDDY WATER?!
Spilled all over me and Claudia, cos we didn't know! (trial that time)
I suck, I know. We were practically slacking when the game's REALLY on.

We had a lot of fun, GABON is the only enthu group cos Xuan made us do a lot of things.
Game time, Really hard.
Commanders were worth 1cent, dr 10cents, ar 5cents, ER 50cents.
Played, and in the end just gave up and about 3/4 went to do the forfeit.
We had to do the number 58 using our butt, hahaha..
After that, we cheated a lot. Kekeke.
Slept about 12am and woke up at 7am..
Great camp huh?

20th June,
I had a good night sleep and I was enthu the whole day!
Breakfast-ed and went fishing!
Our group only caught 2fishes, Jonathan and ahping.
Hhaahah :D
Damn zai, one hour only caught 2 hor?
Shiyun suggested that I should go and take a book and read. I did :/
But I went to touch the worms and prawns beforehand so had to wash.
It wasn't really that slimy
I think it was cool :/

Treasure hunt, went arnd finding for quill eggs, about half an hour, had to stop liao. Idk why.
Went to build fire again, BAMBOO RICE!
I filled in the rice! It was super cool, but our lunch wasn't that. Haha.

Continued with our primitive shelter.
I tied a lot of logs this time!
I don't wanna be a slacker anymore.
I felt really bad on the first day.
It was the tallest PRIMITIVE SHELTER, more of a PRIMITIVE SWING. Hhaaha.

Then they had the LSF strongest ranger competition, although we didn't win.
We cheered a lot, with Grace leading us as Xuan was in the competition.
I was in charge of the things that are supposed to be inside the 'bag'
Thanks to the guys who lasted till the end :D
THIS IS THE GABON. SPIRIT! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaahh..

Had worship, it was really touching and the songs were really great.
The sound system was okay thanks to Xuan!
I don't dare shout for them to test.
Actually I did, but not so loud.
So in the end, I just push up, push down the sound and Xuan helped me test! :D

Can you believe it?!
The bed-time was 2am somemore.
A lot of us played.
First we played the wink one, then the squeeze hand de.
Some murderer killed himself la, huh kaifeng?
ERs played, ARs played and I think DRs played.
It was really fun.
We didn't wanna go and sleep at all, but was forced to by Aunty Lucy since she's the pastor O:
But when my head touched the bag, I fell asleep soon after.
I'm so pathetic. Hahah.

SMS-ed hanling and called jacquelyn about midnight about RYEOWOOK's Birthday.
Fangirl mode soon, beware. HHAHHAHAHA.

21st June,
Suprisingly I had lots of energy despite the hours of sleep I had.
COA-ed and had a lot of fun.
I love GABON!!
And we go..

I've brought a really great memory home and I really love it.
This is the last camp in McNair, before we move house.

Well, as you all know, my dad isn't a christian.
(but I still put Christian as my religion in my IC hahahahaa. Bleah)
So I got scolded a lot when I got home.
I didn't wanna talk to him in the first place.
Idk what's his problem.
I really enjoyed the camp and I wore the Tee which wrote ONE LOVE , MIND , PURPOSE.
Phillipians 2:2, he got pretty angry I guess :D
I reached home at 2plus, and bathed and went to sleep.
My dad wanted me to wake at 4pm because had to go my aunt's hse.
Went to aunt's hse despite how tired I was. He didn't care.
I practically slept there because it was really boring and he had to go home arnd 9pm!!
I stuck my head in the earpiece for a long time and I keep wanting to sleep.
I sound like a pig. Ughs

SOME PICs, because I'm lazy to post..

A.p.g wasn't here, he's at Worship practice

Lol, everything at camp I can link to Super Junior.
I'm really really pathetic.
When I see anything, I'm reminded of SUJU.
When I was at fishing, I'm reminded of Fishy DONGHAE.
Thank goodness I didn't catch any. Hhaah.

I lost my SS501 keychain )):
I'm really sad and devasted.
I called Jac to tell her about it on Friday night.
But yeah, she laughed hysterically like a mad woman.

Fangirl mode now (:

RYEOWOOK, Why must you be so cute?!
You pretty boy. LOL.

22nd MAY, Happy birthday MISS ONG CHUI HOON!
Miss you lots <3
I'm having piano in an hour time.
Ughs, wish me luck.
I didn't touch the piano since a week ago.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:59 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

160609, went to HanLing's house.
Finished chemistry, and now I'm left with Chinese, English and Lit.
The hardest of all O:
I hate school sometimes.
Why couldn't they let us enjoy our HOLIDAY.
Holiday means no homework okay.

Oh well, after we finished chem, we went to choose pictures to print :D
We chose for around more than an hour.
`Cos we cropped the pics and stuff, but hey!
They turn out really nice, and it is as if we went there to take pictures of them.

We learnt our lesson and found really HQ pictures, so that when they are printed, it will be wonderful!
I love ryeowook and donghae's pics the most, I shall post it up laterrrrrr, if I'm blogging again :D

Ended up eating our lunch at about 3.30pm.
Pizza hut-ed :D
Jac copy me, put alot a lot of cheese on baked rice, in the end, she don't like the cheese.
Not copy me, as in putting a lot la!
She didn't know it would be SO cheesy.
In the end, she tried to remove the cheese and eat the rice only, LOL.

Those two keep saying they very full!
Still go and eat ICECREAM that costs $2.50, Ughs.
I'm broke alr la.
But I didn't eat.

A person's stomach can expand up to 25times from it's normal size as long as the brain says okay? You feel bloated, because your brain said so!

Hence, I told them that they are CRAZY and although the stomach can expand, but that's crazy.
Hanling replied something like, It's good to learn from Super Junior.
Then we eat like that our stomach won't burst.
Lol. Crazy two people.

Our pictures can only be printed by 5-6pm liddat~
Then we went back to Hanling's hse to fangirl!
Ughs, I wanted to do my chinese, `cos gonna go to camp tmrw until next sunday.
Buttttttttttttttt, as you all know, I'm very easily swayed and those two kept fangirl-ing, SO I gave up my plan on doing homework :O

Collected our pictures at about 5.30pm.
Said I very useless, cos when they were choosing the pictures that time, I went to the toilet!
And they had to ask a lot of questions!!! And were very embarrassed.
Hence, they hid elsewhere, and MADE me collect the pictures!!!!!!!!

I kept covering my face, so that the aunty won't see me.
When she took out the pictures to let me check if they were the right ones, I just kept saying: Uh, uh, dui liao.
I was really embarrassed.
The first pic was yesung singing and winking his eyes.
The aunty kept laughing la!
Heng, she guessed that I only can't print so many and asked where are my friends.
I said:
I'm sent here to take the pics so that they wouldn't feel embarrassed. (in chinese)
And she was laughing at me T^T.


Printed 135pics ystd, and 32pics on thursday.
We're crazy.
But hey, the pictures this time cost 25cents per pic only!
While the other cost 50cents T.T
ughs, But that was a trial run laaa, otherwise we wouldn't know that we need to find HQ pics right? (:

Look at the abouve pic, our collection!
The thinnest pile is mine,
with only 30+ pics.
They two leh?
Pro right?
Lol. Jac almost every picture also take!! Siao siao siao~

All I can say that, is to never doubt the power of E.L.Fs.
Tadah, end of post.
I'm flying to the other side of the rainbow liao!

Oh, SS501's song MVs are coming out next monday!
Be my girl, oh my girl~
Hyun Joong ah.
But his hairstyle is a little bit, OVER?
Teaser's out alr!
Check it out!

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:24 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009

YMCA is really cool :D
I keep listening and listening.
No wonder Super Junior rocks :D

I really hope they come singapore.
But if that's the case, I have to consider which one to go, SS501 or super Junior.
I've really lost track on SS501.
Thank goodness that I've been a member of Sgtriples and quainte501 :D
Otherwise I really really die liao T^T

I've got piano later.
Which is probably sian-ness.
Super Show, I think Hankyung is damn hot wearing the GOONG's prince 'costume' la ;D
And he danced.
I forgot he was one of the four lead dancers T.T

What to do now lehhhh?
I going hanling's hse tmrw!!
So happy!!
We're gonna print pictures!
At our rate, we'll probably hit more than 100 pictures tmrw!
Never doubt the power of crazy fangirls.
I just realised.
But I won't print so much.
Maybe 20-30would be enough liao ><

Pondering over what to do now.
Online-ing with Hanling, she went crazy when she saw a pic of Eunhyuk..
I shall let you all see :D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
2:39 PM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm lazy to blog,
Just to show the photo diary!
We're officially crazy.
Hanling said that we can print 100piccys, cos it would only cost 25cents each!!
Super cheap!
I love it
Now, if only we can find 100pics.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:18 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009

I know this blog title is super interesting,
Hanling said that if I've got inspiration, I have to blog it!



So, should I be selfish? :D

슈 퍼 주 니 아
이 동 해<3
려 웍<3
한 경
에 성
The most well-liked by me de :D

The most 'jing dian' one,

Kyuhyun (규현)
*사 자

Saja is lion in korean!
Omg, I feel so accomplished!
yay i blogged :D

I'm a fibit lover!

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:18 PM

My Super Junior album come alr!!!
Hahahah, so happy now!
I went to serangoon gardens just to get it!

The quality is really great too!
As in, it's not defected or something!
Furthermore, it came in less than a week!

Although I do think it's a little too small.
Kekkek :D
But that's better, I get to hide it away from my dad!

It was delivered to my ahma's hse, but I was at home the whole day with jac and hanling.
And there wasn't anyone at my ahma's hse, hence it can't be delivered D:

They left a receipt there, and I didn't know about it!!
When my dad came to ahma hse after work for dinner, he saw it!
He was the only who saw it la!
My name was on it, he kept questioning me about it.
But I kept running away from him!!
Refusing to answer his qns!
Hahaha :D
But he caught me when I had to go take the apple that I had to eat every night.
Not exactly had to eat, I like eating it too :D

Oh well, I've got nothing much to blog.
Sheena's away in JB, i heard.
Until don't know when.
Haiz, I sms her she cannot reply.
Wait, I only sms-ed one.
Hahah :D

They went church camp today.
Claudia, shiyun, joan, crystal.
No church tmrw.
Eleanor also not in Singapore D:
I better use this time and CATCH UP with my homework.

Ahyi says wanna go tiong bahru later
Ughs, Idk if I should go anot D:
Homework kaiying, homework!
But my bag is breaking D:
And my SHOES broke.
Both at the same time.
My mother say if I go then maybe can buy D:
Where should I go??

There's survival camp next week as well, it's gonna take up time..
So hard to choose D:
Why can't I just put homework as first place?!

(someone at the back of my ear replied) :
Oh kaiying, it's because you're too crazy handling fan-girl stuff!

Jacquelyn` Iya, stop it la! I going crazy liao la!! I need to get back on track with SS501! I just realise their new single 4days ago when it was out for a week!! That's shows that I'm not consistent anymore ):

Pearlyn` Where got?! Tell me la! Where where?

Jacquelyn` Miss lion fan, Your blog as well.

Michelle` Cannot la D: SS501's first place~ Yes I will always love you michelle! <3

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:00 AM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today hanling came my house.
Did homework!!
I finished my maths.
And 3/4 chem!!
Hahaha :D

Then jac came, we ate the sushis she made for us :D
Chose pictures for a really long time before we decide to print it!
Oh gosh, they are wonderful!

After that, we fangirl-ed and watch videos of them!
It was really scary, the horror movie.
I chicken-ed out halfway and read magazines about them instead! :D

But I joined halfway again!
Ryeowook and Yesung looks really great together!
Eunhyuk and Donghae, my favourite couple!
Wakak LD

The pictures we printed, not counting MINE!
Most of it are Hanling's, and some belong to jac as hanling don't have some.
K.R.Y's the best :D

Oh mr rabbit, why must you be so cute?!

It's you,
Kibum looks weird.


Ryeowook's the best :D

Ryeowook, Siwon, DONGHAE!

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:48 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Seriously, I think Hyung Jun's hair is damn stupid looking now.
It doesn't suit him la!
What ever happened to the cool looking hairstyle when he just released 'UR MAN'
But I still like them kay.

Homeworks are like ........
Crazy over Eunhyuk and KyuHyun friends are gonna come my hse tmrw!
Hopefully they will make me do my homework!!

I bought posters today!
SuJu! <3
Okay, random :D

It's damn cool la, although Heechul really looks gay.

Random post,
bored ):

I better go and find you Hyung Jun's pic and let you see how stupid it is.
Compare and CONTRAST!.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:23 PM

Monday, June 8, 2009

I've been online almost everyday.
Just to look at videos!
Kill me manzxz.

Thank goodness my subscriptions on youtube are all SS501 and only 2 Super Junior.
Ughs, I'm getting crazy.
I better get back with SS501 before I really lose it on Super Junior.
`Cos there aren't anyone to talk to me about ss501 );
Super Junior I have a few crazy over Eunhyuk and KyuHyun friends.

I haven't really start on my homeworkS yet!
I did, but everything one qns one qns I give up liao.
Yes, I am pathetic.
I better not let my results get into my head and do my homework.

Someone should really set the limit for me to do homework.
Otherwise, boom!
I die on the first day of school.
I better go and do it after online-ing.
Yes, pathetic me.

Jac and Hanling going to come my house on thursday!
Finally, someone to do homework with!
`Cos they would put homework in first place.
And we would do it while talking about SuJu.
They probably finished a lot, while I'm like....

So egg-cited!
I need someone to give me a push.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:30 PM

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Forgot to post this up!!
Today's my idol birthday.




♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:20 PM

Lazy to blog.
But I'm here. :O

Didn't go church today `cos dad's at home.
Then I had to go popular buy foolscap.
Zz, amaths gonna take up don't know how many pieces of paper!!!!
Emaths also!

Met up with Jac at heartland mall.
No more SuJu's poster.
We damn sad ):

She bought KyuHyun's keychain,
I bought Donghae's!!
Hanling didn't want us to buy for her Eunhyuk's one.
Oh well.
Since my hp is hanging SS501, I shall hang SUJU's on my pencil case!
kKkeke :D

I wanted to buy RyeoWook's one lor!
I no money ):

I went out with 25bucks, and I'm left with only 11.80.
`Cos fullscap, keychain I had to pay for jac due to owing her money for zee's prez.
Food and drinks.
Siao right!!!

I haven't got to practise piano for more than a week :O
Oopsie, next week got piano somemore.
Korean class later!!!

If SS501 don't come out a new KOREAN album.
I'm gonna die.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:52 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009

Let me face it,
I've officially been brainwashed by HanLing, Jacquelyn and Tiffany to be a crazy fangirl of
Super Junior

But i still love SS501 many many :D

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:35 PM

Day at law firm sucks.
I wouldn't wanna waste my time talking about it.

4th and 5th june should have work attachment.
But 4th june is a total waste of time!
5th june, tadah, cancelled.

Went zee's house to celebrate her bday! :D
They all play water games lor, I come alr they tired liao.
`Cos they came very early );
Sad );

Played poker and a lot of things!
2E2'08 is love kayyyyy :D

Took pictures with them, cos zeeeeee's birthday :D
I love zeeeeeeeeee ;D

Then water bomb-ed.
Everybody aimed zee cos she bday girl ma :D

I went to catch zee so they can pour the whole pail on her.
In the end I kena!!
My shoe broke also T.T

See miss zi yi!!
I helped you leh!! :D

Although it's like 12hours late in blogging,


♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:01 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kekek, I love GROUP 2 :D
Damn fun.

I don't wanna babble about day one though.
But I can say how we went to Han Ling's hse and watch suju. Hahaha.
They all brain washing me la! [hanling and the ass(jac)]
When she don't really know SUJU.
Then hanling keep doing the twist sign of donghae.
And the princely outfit of Eunhyuk.

Went dragon boating!! :D
Yayayayayayayayayaay :D
Love it <3
Although me and yinwei were separated from sharon, jac and eagle they all );
We had to join the boys.
But it was fun la :D
Mwhahahaahah :D
Cause we kept splashing water on jac;'s group.
My eagle there.

Then we played star wars.
It was stupid.
I hate this game.

After that, we had our lunch.
Followed by hiking around the WHOLE yishun community.

Sheena damn zai, ask the taxi uncle if he know how to answer the qns.
Walk from Lower Seletar Reservoir to SAFRA, yishun park.
But I pulled the team down when they doing the obstacle thing :X
I scared of heights la sorry );
Then kelvin ho that idiot keep asking me go up.

We went back to school after that, but everyone was too tired to move and fell asleep on the bus.
Including me. Except that the idiot sitting me kept blasting his music.

BBQ after that.
Someone kena scolded.
Mr sexy bobby let us [GROUP 2] off late.
So I was complaining and saying: How can like that one.
Just now alr scared of him ma.
Since I was sitting in front, I practically screamed.
So he asked me, ARE YOU UNHAPPY?
Then I replied like very scared liddat, no...

Okay, this joke oonly the camp pple know.

BBQ!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Damn fun.
Except that mr teng boon needs zetong's and geannie's "help" in order to clean up the table.

Me, eagle (delia), and xuemin ended up cleaning up everyone's utensils cause we were the one who borrowed it in the first place.

Me and xuemin cleaned, miss delia press the water for us.
Hahaha :D
I cleaned until very clean sparkling white (lol), miss delia say i can easily get a job as a DISHWASHER!!!

That practically ended this day :D
I love sec 3 camp, more than sec 2!
We should stay overnight!
nicer!More bond~

ALthough there's some 3e3 pple,

I LOVE 3E4!!! :D

Some pictures,

Sheena and yan Ni sleeping on the bus, :X

Hardworking pple :D


They say want candid shot,
but miss delia gan chinying was covering her face la!!!


The number of hotdogs for 30+pple.

Sharon's hand behind.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:05 AM