Friday, July 31, 2009
I am super duper lazy to blog.
i love mrs ho for letting me not be the 3rd row leader!
Love mrs ho <3
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:31 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

i'm eugenia! and i'm here to introduce kaiying's toy collection at home.
on her bed!
i'm going to start my grandmother's story!
a few months back, one day, i went kaiying's house to do homework and study:D
then we homework-ed and i went into her room!
and i realized that she has alot of small and big soft toys on her bed packed nicely.
kinda neat i'd say.
and she told me that she'll actually count the number of soft toys she have every morning, to make sure none is lost!
cool and lame huh!
let me show you all pictures! TADA!~
okay this is just a crappy yet interesting& cool post! :DDDD
byeee(: hope you've enjoyed!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:46 PM

Monday, July 27, 2009
Finally my blogger is alright again.
Woots there's colour :D
I love school today.
So fun, and it passed amazingly fast :D
I haven't studied for emaths and phy test tmrw.
Oh gosh :/
I scared I get lousy results.
I need really great chem and phy results to pull my grades higher-,-
Yes, IDK why.
It's always the SCIENCES that are pulling me down.
Stop sleeping in chem class, kaiying!
*slaps myself*
Woots~ AUDEN WON!!!
We rock.
Bernard's speech cracked me up.
I think it crack everyone up :D
I was laughing like dk what.
And I got quite a few smacks just for laughing from the two pple beside me, lol.
Korean class is on hiatus D:
23rd Aug then start agn.
Ima very sad D:
Anw, now test period.
Hopefully can concentrate.
Well, I know I can't.
Since I'm fangirl-ing everyday.
Shit hell.
Everyday I go online.
SNSD, SHINee, FT Island.
(no ss501 and suju currently since no new ones)
I feel like using a lot of colours.
Heh :D So fun.
I miss colours~
So dull to have the same colour EVERYDAY.
Jac thinks my WHOLE family is funny.
hanling drew on my foolscap~
Long ago, but only today posted since there's something wrong with BLOGGER!!!!
Fishy <3
Oh random pic.
Heh, my winnie pooh :D
Jac's prezzie last yr :D
So cute right?
Reminds me of the one on Wookie's bed.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:00 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lazy to blog.
Had a fun time ystd in church and in kor class.
That's about it.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:43 AM

Friday, July 24, 2009
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:27 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Maybe all I need is a break.
Maybe, I need to be away from all those books.
Just staying in my world.
Would it help if I don't care about anything?
I'm really tired of trying to make an effort.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:13 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Still no colour.
Still no pictures.
What's wrong with blogger?!
Anwww, I'm thinking of buying a lot of things.
Going crazy.
Eugenia's online with me now (:
And I sent her a lot a lot of songs hahaa.
She's into k-craze now.
Thanks to a lot of pple :D
She asked me to blog.
I did.
I love the amaths test today.
hopefully all tests will be liddat, and I can pass with flying colours.
yay me!
These days, so little fangirl periods D:Hanling and jac! We must get tgt!!!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
6:31 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I'm random.
I've got nothing to do.
Idk whyyyy.
And mr O.K.K said that they should be jealous of us, because we were released early.
Can't make any colour D:
D: Ughsss
And can't upload pics.
I've got a lot of random pics haha
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:18 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Okay, got tagged by Hanling to do this super duper LONG quiz.
(I think it was a few weeks back lol)
I'm seriously really bored to do it.
Because, I don't really care lol.
I'm really bored.
Jac and Han Ling did it, and they are CRAZY fangirls.
Believe me.
those in RED are true and those not coloured are not exactly true... a little peach colour is somewhat true haha. :X
You google search E.L.F in hopes of finding the headquarters and joining.
Everytime you see a picture from a variety show, you know exactly what was going on (hmm. not exactly. i dont watch all their variety shows. XP)
You can tell what Super Junior era/phase they were in by their hair
Want to learn Korean (Learning, haha)
Want to go to Korea (YESYESYES. going this year :D Exchange programme :D)
Want to become that staff member that wipes the sweat off their faces after a performance (NO WAY. Siao.)
You have added the dance steps to Sorry Sorry to your repertoire of awesome club moves.
Whenever you talk to others about Super Junior you talk as if you are close personal friends with them. (how ridiculously weird, but that' true. I've talked to many :X )
You start laughing with one of your hands covering your mouth etc.Like Kibum
You clap while you laugh [like Siwon and his many hand gestures] (JAC: yepp. tend to do that. yay! my shiwonnie ^^) (crazy fan girl)
You know the answer to a variety show question about their personal habits/preferences (I'm obviously not so CRAZY)
You give your friends the heart sign instead of waving (huh.)
When you find out their favorite color is the same as yours you, for SOME reason, get extremely excited (:X)
You talk about Super Junior to anyone with ears (Yeah, but apparently they just interrupt me and say: I know, and refuses to let me continue. SHARON?!)
You've seen “Sorry, Sorry” and “Neorago” so many times, you visualize the MV’s perfectly when you hear the song. ( Well, all songs with mvs I do that.)
You can call out who's voice is who's when they sing. ( Oh some of them only, esp donghae's, ryeowook's, sungmin's, yesung's. I can't believe why I can recognize the LION's. -,-)
You look to them for Fashion advice (HUH?!)
Want to get your hands on the DVDs even though the only Korean words you understand are "hyung... saranghae... and oppa" (I CAN UNDERSTAND A LOT!!!)
Are able to watch a 60 minute Variety show without subs and feel like you know what their saying (I can't believe why Jac can do this, I will totally get so bored. )
The people around you hum Sorry Sorry against their will 'cause you play it all the time. (SHARON?)
You twitch every time you hear Don’t Don and Sorry Sorry 'cause you've been practicing the dance moves and your body can't help but want to dance. (Maybe only sorry sorry.)
You’ve purchased Kimchi even though you have no idea what it is, and ate it straight out of the can, because if anyone in Super Junior likes it, there’s no reason why you can’t like it too. (Isn't that crazy?)
Your friends ask you "what's new" and all you tell them is what new thing you found out about Super Junior because that's all you've been doing all day (watching Variety and Radio Shows). (but they seldom do ask this question. they just say 'WHAT'. )
You want to become famous in your country JUST so you can somehow use your fame to get closer to them. (Honestly, they don't even know TAIWAN's idols lol.)
You know all the English words in their songs... and that's about all you can sing. (NO. I can do more than that.)
You want "I Do" to be played at your Wedding. (Isn't it supposed to be MARRY U? Lol.)
Whenever you watch a performance by them you look around for something Sapphire blue to wave around (NO?)
Everytime you hear about their "ideal girl" you see if you compare... no matter which member it isie: Checked to see if your eyes go into half moons when you laughed, checked your toes to see if the second one is longer than your big toe, or if you’re really all that nice to your parents. (LOL)
You go into withdrawal when you haven't done something SJ related for a while(BLANKLOOK)
Even though you don’t live in Korea and still follow their activities.(SUPER SHOW 2?)
You're extremely proud of them when they do something...anything. (Huh?)
When you read fun random facts about SJ... you know about 97% of them already. (NO.)
You want to get a UFO account Because you CAN'T get a UFO account, you think up things to say if you did have one... and wonder who would answer as well as what he would say
You KNOW they are here to stay. (Wait till awhile later, I will probably change it.)
You want to send SJ a video of you gushing about how much you love them and how much you appreciate their music
You want to give Eunhyuk a big hug every time you see him cry…which is often! (oh.)
Even though there might be members you like more than the others... you dont dislike any of them. (WELLLLLL, lemme think over it.)
You say a random "Fighting" or "Hwaiting" when you're about to do something intense (NO!).
You laugh at all the Korean jokes they make with plays on words even though you don’t get it.(Told you, only crazy pple like JAC does that)
You don’t understand how anyone couldn’t love Super Junior. It simply isn’t possible. (WELL, I didn't like them until a few months back.)
You realize Sungmin is so incredibly attractive, yet you feel guilty because he has a baby face. You see a "stalking" video on youtube featuring one of the members and feel bad that they can't get any privacy... but still watch the video.(I DO NOT GET IT)
If you ever meet another SJ fan outside of the internet you immediately feel like you've known each other for years. (Hah yeah.)
You know their birthdays but don't know your own friends' birthday. (I know my friends' birthday, Idk theirs :D)
If a few of the members are missing on a Variety show you can imagine what the missing members would say if they were there.
You make up sound-alike-lyrics to the Korean lyrics just so you can sing along. (Heh)
You want to shake hands with whomever thought of E.L.F(WHAT THING?!)
You're STILL looking for ways to join E.L.F even if it won’t benefit you. (Randomness I guess)
You're in on the "Fried Chicken” Joke (KYUHYUN FRIED CHICKEN! Someone, just eat him)
You’re the girl who "wants" whatever it is in “She wants it”(HUH)
For some reason, you love Heechul even more when you find out he takes risque pictures of the others
Whenever you hear a good song, you want to use to it to make an FanVideo about SJ
You fan girl whenever you hear them use a language outside of Korean (especially English) (HAHAHAHAHAA)
You get as excited when Hangeng and Donghae speak because you notice their accent...even though you really can't tell the difference. (!!! FISHY! <3)>
You're a member of every SJ group you can find (that has information on them) (I'm not)
You subscribe to people on Youtube who sub their videos. (LOL)
Your eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when you saw Siwon’s Men’s Health cover picture. (Well, it seems like it's talking about JACQUELYN)
You have more pictures of them in your computer than you do your family or friends put together. (IDK)
Everytime new pictures pops up you stop whatever else you're doing, and make sure to see each and every one
When reading subtitles you still put the volume up when you're watching a variety show... it's not like you understand what's being said
Super Junior has inspired you and you've somehow become a better person because of them You still seek out and read anything that says "Fun Facts about SJ," even though you know 97% of them
The majority of videos in your favorites are SJ related. (Not really)
You only know other Korean celebs because they've been on shows/movies which featured SJ
While your MP3 is on 'shuffle', you get excited when your favorite SJ song starts playing...or maybe it doesn’t even matter because all you have on your MP3 player is on SJ songs. (NO way, sometimes when I'm really sian, I just change it IMMEDIATELY)
You can't imagine any other member being the leader, Eeteuk is awesome~ (Oh)
You feel they're not just a Boy Band! (What else can they be?)
When you're in public, you HAVE to change to the next song when it's one of their upbeat songs because, let's face it, you just want to dance everytime!
You don't know what the hit songs are in your own country because all you listen to is SJ. (Just some I guess. I'm more into K-pop, I know more about their new songs. Haha)
You don't know what channel an award show is in your country but you know at what time a SJ award show will air in Korea/JapanMeeting them would make your life (LOL?)
you'd be bruised all over from pinching yourself (FOR WHAT?!)
You kiiinda want to be a guy just because you can get closer to them without having to deal with all the death threats and negative energy making it's way to you
Want to get in good with anyone that works with SM, just for a chance that you can meet Super Junior
You have nicknames for them (JACQUELYN: "I’ve seen some of you guys’ nicknames. Super Cute. Eeteukie Angel, Heenim, Hannie, Yesungie, Raccoon, Dong Dong, Minnie, Jewl, Horse, Fishy Ryeowookie, Bummie, Kyuhyunnie, just to name a few… "I only like to call FISHY AND WOOKIE HAHA)
If you live in California you kick yourself for not knowing Kibum... even if you don't live remotely close to where he lived
If you ever saw Justin Timberlake (or some equivalent) you'd be like "Oh look, it's Justin Timberlake" and continue to go about your business... BUT, if you saw a member of SJ you'd either:
A. End up in the Hospital (hahah fainting.)
B. End up in Jail(FOR? mobbing them?!)
The essentials you need to survive are : Air, Water, Food, SJ
You feel all the information you know about them is important and share it with all your friends... no matter how unnecessary it is (Hah yeah)
e.x. "Did you that Eeteuk wears his glasses just for fashion? He actually had eye surgery so he doesn’t have to wear glasses anymore. (He's crazy.)
You've never paid so much attention to a guy's hair style before. (Not now too)
When you type in "Super Junior" into your google search, the first three pages are all purple and not blue because you've already clicked on all of them before
The first word that you associate “chicken” with is “Kyochon” (KYOCHON CHICKEN!)
If Ryeowook told you hopping on one foot was good for your health, or that having three toes (total) was sexy, you'd believe him because why would he lie? (Totally won't. )
When they talk about food you start to get hungry even though you have no idea what the food looks or tastes like. (NO.)
You know Eunhyuk, Hangeng, Shindong, and Donghae’s dance style.
You can't get enough of the "Sorry Sorry Dance" It’s seriously the next “Tell Me.”You don’t think “Sorry, Sorry” and “Shawty Shawty” make any sense, but you don’t care because it sounds cool with an accent.
You've seen enough extras to say that you've seen ALL members cry at least once which isn’t really that hard because they’re emotional and that makes them awesome and realistic.If you ever had a bias against guys that cry... it doesn't apply to SJ
Actually, all your favorite songs are on the “Heart 2 Heart” CD
You're a girl but still think "Man, I want my body to be like that" when you see how fit Siwon is
Watch Bora even though you don’t understand what they’re saying.
You know that there are Clips/Videos/Moments that EVERY SJ fan knows about -sort of like a SJ Fan Essentials... or a SJ Starters Kit, lol [I can quote what they say D:]
e.x. Full house’s English speaking village, The YSMM clips, the energy song, the EHB Tell Me Dance Clip…the list goes on
When watching a FanVideo, you've either seen most of the clips or have most of the pictures used in the video, and you name them off to your friends.
When asked "what you've been doing all day/weekend" you reply "SJ-ing" or some equivalent word, eg: Spending time with the boys ['Suju lor... what else']
To the USA/non Korean fans: Even though you so desperately want them to come to the U.S., you're scared about what Hollywood might do to their moral... (THAT's true, moral Hahaha.)
You downloaded software to watch their performances as they happen
You get excited when someone bring up or says the word "Korea"
To you, for the most part, Korea = SJ
Even though you love the sweet songs, and how caring they are, you can’t help but love it when they tease you on stage by showing some skin. (teaseme?! huh?!)
You feel like making a poster out of this list and hang it on your wall like some sort of "Super Junior Creed"(siao)
Only another SJ fan would understand if you teared up and clapped proudly at a bunch of sapphire colored balloons. ( I won't)
If you had the money, you'd willingly buy all versions of their new CD solely for the new pictures they would come with
When you appologize, you add an extra "Sorry" to the end. (XP)
You have made sure you’re wearing at least one white item before leaving the house. (I like the colour white, but got link with SJ MEH?!)
You really, for the life of you, cannot remember life before Super Junior. (why cant i?)
SOMEHOW everything around you, every topic of conversation brings up a SJ story which you MUST tell to the nearest person
e.x. Going to the movies: "So, get this, Donghae loves the movie Titanic"
e.x. While showering: “LOL! Eeteuk and Eunhyuk were talking about how all of them use the bathroom at once on Sukira *laugh* (lol)
When you heard Ashley Tisdale’s Head strong, you froze, and immediately started singing “Succcess” (WHAT SUCCESS)
Cool, i'm done, but I'm still bored.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:53 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Honestly, I'm super envious of all the korean pple.
Obviously, I'm so excited, but I apparently, reside in a small small Country.
Hence, SM artistes nvr ever come to Singapore.
how nice.
Saving money like siao now(;
Alr planned what to buy le. :D
And that thing for her and her ;D
Adds up to more than a 100 bucks.
Okay I want to say how I alighted at the same bus stop as weili
And then, when her house is so far away but I drag her to my house.
And made her buy the burger there, when she can buy somewhere SO much nearer to her house.
heh :D
SS501 <3
SHINee <3
Now I want a break.
One more day of school tmrw, and it's the weekend again (:
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:36 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I feel so tired.
And cold.
Maybe I'm getting the flu bug from Sharon.
Or I simply just want to have a break from all work.
These days, all I've been doing was to rush my homework.
&trying to take a break at night.
Ends up, I have more things to do.
I'm so tired.
Our class has been isolated alr, since so many pple on MC.
How wonderful.
We have a later recess.
But have an earlier dismissal.
Furthermore, no SSP or anything.
I'm happy.
Cause tmrw we supposedly should have amaths ssp.
Read something on sharon's blog.
Cheer up sharon!
(I wrote this specially in green)
If you want someone to be there with you, I'll always be there.
If you want to learn how to open up to us, think of fishy.
Rmbr the CE discussion?
It was so funny.
We talked abt our prospective of being XXX's XXX's.
The careers, hahaa.
Love you sharon! <3
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:47 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Come on kaiying, go and study or something!
Stop using the computer!!!!
Yes, i have absolutely no self control.
Tests are on its way AGAIN (how nice)
I haven't start studying yet.
I haven't finish my lit.
I haven't finish my e.maths.
Wow, how wonderful.
But I finished my amaths hahahaahaha
Today some miss pat come and relieve for mrs dheeraj.
She is SUCH AN ass man.
Some teacher she is.
And Sharon ask me amaths qns?
You scream the hell at me?
Cause she returned me my amaths book?
Well, Mrs dheeraj's class is WAAAAAAAY better than yours.
No wonder no one likes you.
Sigh, I'm lazy to do work.
Chinese O'level tmrw.
It's been hard topics these days.
Probably gonna flunk it.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:50 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009
Hi there,
the point isn't whether I can cook anot.
It's whether if the food is EDIBLE anot.
So there, ends the topic whether am I able to cook.
Stop treating it like: OMG, it's the most surprising news I ever heard.
And yes, I DID pass my HOME ECONS with an A1.
Don't underestimate me okay.
Maybe sometimes yu ting helped me with the cooking
You have to cook it yourself for the last test, ain't it?
Along with the 'tests'??
Come on, give me a break.
I can cook, believe it anot.
It's not weird.
Of course, it won't hurt if Ryeowook's gonna cook for me, haha
(as what hanling said, because we must give credits!)
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:47 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Je m'appelle Kaiying
Lol :D
Back from my french class.
Super boring. But I learnt quite a lot of things tho :D
Pronounciation is hard. It's gonna kill me one day.
How wonderful.
Ystd korean class is fun (:
We talked about a lot of things
And son saeng nim gave a kind of test
Although she helped us a lot :D
It's gonna end on 25th july.
And she don't know wanna start a intermediate class anot D:
I'm freaking sad now.
The rest of us are like making her go start another class.
And she say she will try her best, cause must ask the CC.
If not, then maybe I go join hanling they all lor.. D;
Theirs so ex laaaaa lol
I'm lazy to blog.
Idiot, later I'm going to somewhere boring.
So I'm making my mum let me go library again, popular again, buying hair clips again
Whatever, to make me go there later.
Such a boring place la.
Ystd in church had to learn what pedicure/manicure for the upcoming carnival.
I totally SUCK at it.
They are having a test next week to see who can help with it.
Hopefully I will fail badly :D
Cheese :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:21 PM

Saturday, July 11, 2009
lalalalaal i'm lazy to blog.
So just here to crap a lot :D
Heh :D
Later going watch videos :D
I'm very high these days, idk why.
And class(common) tests are next week.
Ughs, don't care.
Just realise Kor stage 2 going finish leee :D
So I should be going intermediate le, hahahahaahahahah :D :D :D :D :D
I know you're jealous.
i'm starting my french class tmrw!
Yay :D
What else do I know except 'oui'
Hahah :D
Wish me luck
bye :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:01 AM

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lazy to blog.
Just wanna say that I had a fun day today.. Haha.
Esp during enggg :D
When mrs dheee showed us how EVIL and MALICIOUS lions can be.
And Jac the evil lord kyu servant went crazy.
Idk why, then we link until fishes :D
They keep saying what kind of fish use what way cook nicer-,-
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:36 PM

Monday, July 6, 2009
I'm lazy to post all the pics.
Ice Age 3, pretty good show.
I would rate 4/5 haha, it was much nicer than Threads of Destiny, which ended abruptly.
My cousin was so scared of the mama dinosaur that he fell asleep in the cinema.
Haha, so cute! :D
And he snores, hoho.
The pics that I wasn't able to post.
Using a different comp, so it was great.
Although the iPhone pics were really big, but the comp is fast.
Youth day today.
I finished all my homeworks.
And I borrowed a lot of books to read today.
But stupid dumb me didn't realise I would be able to finish Harry Potter so quickly this time round. (Yes I re-read)
So I finished the 7th book in about 2hrs, `cos I kept lazing arnd, wanting to find something to do.
Or fiddling with my phone strap.
Or falling asleep.
Or getting distracted by SNSD.
Yes I like SNSD, maybe I'll print their pictures next time, lol.
Why are so many pple so anti them lol.
Tags reply, since jacquelyn the old ahma/woman/lady GIRL flooded it.
Michelle` Heh :D Sorry, I tried once. But my blog is officially crazy haha :X I will try next time!! :X
Pearlyn` Lol for?
Jacquelyb` Yes I'm typing your name wrongly on purpose. Why the hell did you spell Donghae as Dobghae? ... Honestly, you could use your COMPUTER instead of the iPOD right? You said it, too MINI. Haha, why shouldn't I call you OLD WOMAN. You are one. Whoever's older than me is. Haha. Oops :D Don't worry. I will still like you, although you always scold me like some old hag GIRL. You're not young. Stop saying you're. O.O I feel so relaxed now :D Oh btw, donghae is always cute haha. Not like some lion. :D :D :D
Claudia` Haha thanks :D I still hate it tho. Lol.
Pearlyn` Eh you first day know her ah? Lol. 3Years liao leh!
Michelle` Hahahahaahaha jacquelyn's a nooob. A crazy crazy crazy noob ;D

SHIYUN! ELF does not stand for whatever you had in mind okayyyy.
It stands for Ever Lasting Friends.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:04 PM

Friday, July 3, 2009
Forget it.
Blogger's killing me.
I CANNOT upload pictures.
Damn it.
Oh I'm thinking of cutting my hair again tmrw.
because I hate it.
I love my phone strap.
Lol, random.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:12 PM

Thursday, July 2, 2009
I can overlook the fact that my hair is super thin now.
It sucks. Now I look like some freak
The woman tends to take a pleasure cutting my hair shorter and shorter.
My fringe is so pathetic -,- I'm freaking pissed now.
I look like what? Some freak.
With idiotic fringe and short hair!!!!
Ughs!!! I swear I'm gonna pin up my hair like siao tmrw.
Pretend you don't know me if you see me. Ughs
It just sucks.
Hopefully Jung Min's single is gonna please me.
It better.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
4:03 PM