The name is KAIYING. I'm a 15-year-old student who resides in Singapore.
I sat behind the desks of 6A'06, 2E2'08, 4E4'10 ♥
Egg cracked day: 940908.
I'm a SHAWOL along with Jacquelyn and HanLing SHINee is the current obsession, and forever the one <3
I enjoy laughing with my friends, and have fun with them.
Hi there. I have a friend named Ang Wei Li, aka monkey. She hates the colour pink and loves the colour purple Which isn't strange at all, because pink ain't my favourite colour as well. (I love purple btw). She likes to trip people, except that she got a sprained leg now she can't do that. She likes to chase after people, when she cannot win them in an argument. But she can't run currently, because she has got a sprained leg. She's a funny person. I like her jokes. At the same time, she sucks as well. She likes to FLAUNT her height, cause she's like the 2nd/3rd tallest girl in class. Hence, she has the advantage when you're trying to hit her head -,- But it's okay. We'll just pull her tie instead. [;
A stupid monkey is what she is. But she's fun, it's fun to tease her :D It sucks when she's trying to trip you. But there's a chance now! I'm bullying her now because someone has a sprained leg~~
But many many thanks to her!! We get to stay in class in CHEMISTRY, unlike the stupid stuffy hot humid chem lab with the smell of salted fish (?!). We get to stay in class in PHYSICS (ihope), cause then we don't need to climb up to the stupid lab and waste so much time.
Despite the fact that she's a bad, insensitive person( who throws the post-its given to her arnd), she is still fun to be with.
Hence I shall end of with the colour purple; Get well soon weili! :D
btw, sheena sent me a ridiculous message. "the foolishness of God is wires than of man"
It should be WISER. Haha.
曹操is super cool sia!! :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 4:54 PM
Monday, September 28, 2009
26th September 2009,
6months had passed so quickly. We miss you a lot, do you know?
Time passes so quickly. It was as if yesterday I went to visit you.
I miss you i miss you i miss you );
28th Sept, It's your 15th birthday girl. I always like to say that jac's birthday + mine = yours. Then we will laugh and say so lame. Haha, those were the times.
I couldn't wish you face to face or on msn, sms anymore. Cause you aren't there. You won't be there.
Today sam's gonna visit you. She will help me say that i miss you a lot a lot, and that i wish you a happy birthday.
I hope you are feeling happy.
I feel happy and sad at the same time. Ironic. Happy because there wasn't ssp today (?! lol) Sad because.. Iya you know right? (:
I love you claudia <3 Forever friends <3 Remember the quote of Geronimo Stilton.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 3:06 PM
Friday, September 25, 2009
Did I mention that my blog is dead? (;
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 9:59 PM
Monday, September 21, 2009
Today I went jiayi's house with xiaoxin to study...
Didn't manage to study much though ); Mostly were un-done homework .___. I'm so pathetic.
At least I read through SS.
i didn't realise that the exams were like next week. i didn't know it was so near. and i haven't even study yet.
I will be studying like siao this week! I need to study! If i want that 1st place and that top 10% scholarship!!!!
Then I most probably won't use the comp anymore~
I've got my primanoona password back alr!! Woots!!! So happy~ But must use comp everyday. So this kind of work to comment everyday I can't do it. ___. Haiz..
Have to practise piano soon!
This blog is officially dead Hahahahaha *laughs*!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 7:17 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2009
This picture is so cute! <3 Totally kills me hehhe :D
Going to korea going to korea, am going to korea!!
I want to go taiwan also la! Zzzz, stupid parents. When they said let me choose, let me decide and now what? Say cannot this cannot that. In the end, I don't think we're going anywhere la -,-
Damn stupid la. Haiz. Next thursday no gz! Yayayayayaayay so happy~~~~~ Hhahaah finally I've got break, i need it!!!!!!
At first sec 3s no need go back mid autumn de, but thanks to gz perf, I NEED TO. ZZZZZZ. sian la can!
I give up on trigo .___. But i love proving identities. LOL. random~
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 9:44 PM
Friday, September 18, 2009
Finally the damned blogger is okay.
ZZZ, I wanted to enjoy using the comp, since I didn't touch it since last saturday! I am a good kid canzxz?
Then my father came in and nag nag nag like wth, so I can only use until 10pm. STUPID FATHER.
Today I had fun. I wanted to type very long things. But I decided not to. ZZZ, my mood's all spoiled now.
Stupid father. Thinking of removing the tagboard, like claudia says "don't wanna feel upset over a dead one" LOL,
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 8:50 PM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Why am I blogging again?!! Idk too .____.
Dang, hongki looks like jonghoon. The hyungs of the group~~~ BLONDE HAIR. GAHHH. SHUAI LA .___. Total fangirl. ignore this post and watch the vid. Stop tying up your hair, seunghyun!!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 10:40 PM
Shan't comment how hot are some of them (btw it's eunhyuk, hankyung, wookie and teuk)
I was never anti-teuk, hanling ;D The rest looks so different!!! I hate kyu's hair. I hate DONGHAE'S HAIR. Super ugly. CAN HE JUST GO BACK TO THE NEORAGO'S HAIRSTYLE? Sungmin got his hair back~~
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 10:29 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hot. Amber. Fire.
Cold. Krystal. Crystal.
Bright. Luna. Moon.
I can't seem to think any for Victoria and Sui Li.
D: Lacha lacha tata Come, come, come, come on baby~
michyeo michyeo :D Kryber! Now i totally support it.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 8:30 PM
Lalalala can you see something like a dog on someone's head?? :D :D
Well, if you can't ....
And now look at this, which I took it from Jac :D
SO COOL RIGHTTTTTT?!!!!! HAAHAHA Wanted to post this long ago, but I ain't got time..
Somehow I think I finished my homework! Yes :D
( I won't say how i didn't do those idk how to do de.. which makes up about 3/4 of it?)
And now, I left the boring FANTASTIC according to mrs dheeraj TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRDto read!
Jac came my hse :D Was quite fun. We went to buy kor noodles to eat. Hheheeheh so nice :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 5:08 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Screw blogger!!!
Yay chocolates from Eleanor Kan and QiJun
sweet card! plus lollipop! <3 yyayayyayaya
CLAUDIA got me a name~ So cuteeeeeee :D
Wonder where to put it since I have the elfish on my phone alr );
CLAUDIA gave me this and did NOT give me a plastic bag.
Furthermore, she threw the original plastic bag AWAY. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
Can you believe it?!
AND she made me carry it home without a plastic bag.
AHHH so embarrassing :X
XIAOYAN gave me this! I think it's so ex :X So nice/sweet of her :D yayyayayayaa now it's in front of me everyday~
Eleanor ang gave it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;D
Hehheheheeh lalalala. she gave me a keychain for name also~
I put it on my bag liao.
The one claudia give I'm thinking to put it on the backpack..
I got a mirror as well O.O
I don't think I'm gonna use it :X
It's gonna be used as a keychain~
I think it looks like weili
Card and cake from benett no offense but he said hello was onee something ga
when it's supposed to be Ahnnyounghasaeyo
from Crystal &Jerome
I think this is very sweet~
They printed out SS501's and suju's pics~~
And cut-ted them nicely~
Even the happy 15th birthday was cut out nicely~
I think they spent a long time doing it~
Today went minds cafe
Had fun.
So happy~ :D
Played a lot of bo liao games but hahahaha funny sia
And the forfeit when we lose T.T
When i sms to thank pple.
Surprisingly allll the messages replied from CLAUDIA, SHIYUN and Bennett ARE ALL THE SAME!
Family jiu shi family.
I was shocked!!
I think they're playing a trick.. HMMMMMMM..
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 8:46 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
090909; WHAT A NICE DAY! :D it won't happen for another thousand years! nevertheless,
HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY SHIYUN! <3 The girl whose younger than me by one day :D
Nothing much happened. Amaths in school. Kept talking, blahblahblah, mrs potassium hydroxide keep catching me. But it's not my fault that I finish all her work so quickly :D Smart me hahahaha
Went home with Sharon. Super funny la our conversation. It was all about FT Island except that a certain part when she butted in and said about SDG. LOL?
Had piano which was super duper boring. I can't stand it. I can learn the songs I LIKE myself. apparently we;re supposed to learn classical music. Calm calm calm. Do I look like I'm suited for it?????? .....
After that went to meet Joan! :D We bought a lot of things to put inside the -ahem- ahem ahem ahem. Someone will find out soon, :D
Geannie also got mrsmall :D Then I snatch hers away ~~~ Put all 3 smalls on my table ~ But didn't manage to take pic la D: Mrs Koh there. ); Two mr smalls below~ So cute! One is alr on my hp liao! With fishy <3
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 6:05 PM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Kudos to cindy! Because she drew it herself <3 Message to cindy; Don't just feel wanted. You're wanted <3>MR SMALLS from jac and cindy Sheena, Eugenia, Yanni, Jiayi and niwen? (I think) SEE I SAID I'M SHY LA. ME RIGHT ME I'M SHY! HHOOHOHOH From pearlyn and michelle EEYORE, from Lydia (L) *Hyperventilating* SUJU POKER CARDS :D Along inside the box of suju cards~ From Delia, xiaoxin, xuemin, lyn and weili. (got other pple ma? :X) DOG! from sharon. rebecca. xinyee. joanne When I came home right, my toddler cousin wasn't around. I went to bathe. He came in and rummage through my presents .___. And straight away took this dog and slept with it .___. cause it wasn't wrapped LOL. Jac says my phototaking not nice ); So I used the picture she took! MARINE HAT GAH. Didn't know she went to buy it~ Jac's prezzies! I haven't taken a pic of the present my mum gave me. It's the genie necklace and the chi book is with jia yi now. Lol.
THANKS for all the wishes~
FAMILY. Jacquelyn Han Ling Cindy Michelle Pearlyn Sharon Rebecca Xinyee joanne Claudia Crystal Shi Yun Joan Eleanor Ang Linyuan Annabel Shermaine Samantha Geannie Siongwoon Isabel (which was really a surprise! <3) Lydia jessica Tiffany Zoey Jaslyn hui Jun Xinmei Eleanor kan Qi jun Yin Wei Xuan Suharyo kelvin(lol) nicholas joshua kwee yong Delia Xiaoxin Xuemin Lyn Sheena Niwen Eugenia Yanni
THERE ARE MANY MANY MORE <3 I'm so sorry if I forgot! Thanks for making my day! :D Thank you thank you thank you! Kamsahamnida~
oh yes and thanks to the screwed blogger many names disappeared ZZZ. Most importantly, thank you God for 'putting' all these people beside me(; I really feel very blessed (:
This day would be coming to an end soon..
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 4:30 PM
8Th Sept 2009
Thanks to everyone who sent me wishes through sms, mms, and fb <3
Thank you so much! :D
I will be uploading pictures later! :D
Oh did I mention that my bed has no more space???
LOL!!! I had a nice day, it was like a normal day, except that I got gifts!
Don't understand why, but I'm not feeling excited at all );
I LOVE ALL THE GIFTS!! Esp one, it's a hat a hat a hat a hat a hat a hat a hat a hat MARINE CAP?! Omg!!!!!!!!! :D :D Ima happy girl.
I've got Suju's poker card as well (; HHahahahaahaa :D
YES I WILL upload the pictures later. Did I say that there was something to laugh at? ya here it is
Resolution for the year:
1. Be quieter 2. Be smarter 3. Save more money 4. Study harder 5. less hot tempered 6. not so noisy (did i repeat this (: ) 7. do mr chew's homework 8. do korean homework ( i don't do de :D )
I guess that's about it~
OH I GOT 2 mr SMALL!!!! SO EXCITED!!! ONE FROM JAC AND ONE FROM CINDY cindy's message is nice, except that there's one particular sentence about everything being small. Shall post the pictures later.
Mr small mr small mr small! I've got miss shy as well. Of course, I'm shy :D
Thanks to everyone again!
10days later, amber <3
f(x) lachalacha tata~ come on come on come on baby come come come come come on baby The day, 8th September 2009 will be the best day in 2009!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 2:53 PM
Monday, September 7, 2009
Only left one letter, 'H'
Jac I know what you're doing! I always know! :D Hopefully you won't see this post hehehhe
Why am I posting videos everyday????!!! I'm going crazy.
Yes to krystal kwan I love you <3 heheh Although I also love krystal jung. Hahhaahahaha
1more day to turn 15 officially. Why am I not excited? WELL BECAUSE THERE'S HIST LECTURE BY HAZRY TMRW
I must be the luckiest person alive.
My ahma told me the lottery number got my birthday!
Lucky me .____.
I'm lazy to blog anymore.
Will blog tmrw!!! YAY! I will have my fifteen years statement. My resolution to being 16. HAHAHAHAAHH. Catch it.
Cindy toh sing yee, why won't you believe me when I said I'm shy ):
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 9:02 PM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Getting crazy~
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 4:55 PM
F(X) F(X)F(X) F(X)F(X) F(X) F(X) F(X)
Am going crazy!!! I hope they come out an album soon and I can buy it! Woots~ Someone buy for me Kara's revolution!!! Lol :D
Hopefully F(x)'s colour will be PURPLE! Yay ~ Or white. Whatever it is,. that I like :D
It has been a long time ever since I was in a forum. Affxtion~~~ I was there all day long!!!
Join affxtion nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Go on~
LOL. Victoria Amber Luna Sui Li Krystal
random post because I'm going gaga ._.
back from k class. had fun. liked it. yes. :D Celebrated seriously belated teachers' day. O.O HHEheheh.
Shan't blog anymore. Back to youtube!
Lacha lacha tata~
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 12:43 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
FREAKING NICE MANZXZZZZ :D F(x) Is my official idol :D
I LOVE F(X)!!! KRYSTAL!! <3 Main vocal heheheh :D
Great! KRYSTAL!!
Victoria, Suili, Luna, Amber, KRYSTAL!!!
New idols <3
Okay back to ssf and affxtion ky! Stop blogging!!
Side note; 3more days!!!!
Heheh :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 10:15 PM
Currently in love with lachata. The song isn't even catchy! Idk why too (;
Victoria and Krystal!! <3
i can finally recognize all of them heheh :D
Going to church now. Bye!!
Countdown: 3more days :)
Side note; I hate lectures. Esp History lectures by Hazry which will TOTALLY make my day.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 1:47 PM
Friday, September 4, 2009
1st sept, HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY! :D lol. I'm lazy to blog. Went down to orchard to collect FT Island's album with Jac and Hanling The material is super duper cool, extremely nice and ahhhhhhhhhh can't think of other words to describe it but BEAUTIFUL.
Jealous right? Hheheh :D And Seunghyun is damn gay -,- Heheh and I went to collect the GENIE necklace. At first glance it's super fake and look like it will spoil easily. But after that, quite nice la :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JAC! :D Old woman old liao old liao. Tsk I do your birthday gift until you cry right? Hahahahaah :D Damn nice, show you all THE SORRY SORRY PARODY we did for her bday~ Woots.
HER MR SMALL STRONG IS A GIFT FROM PEARLYN AND MICHELLE. Gah mr small!! MR SMALL. I keep looking at the one on pearlyn's handphone T^T
for more jac's birthday upates please go to her blog. lol.
Heheh the dog that I keep looking at last year has returned!! THE RETURN OF THE DOG. Lol.
8 SEPTEMBER 2009 is SUPPOSED TO be the best day in the year. Thanks to HAzry's history lecture it will be TOTALLY RUINED. ):
Sharon's not in sg, sheena's not in sg ); Jac got ssp the whole day.
What a perfect day. Wanted to ask them come my house after lecture );
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top 7:08 PM