Friday, March 26, 2010

It has been a yr since that extremely unfortunate event. I wonder how are you now?
Sadly, besides one or 2 pics we took tgt when we were in primary 5, I've no pictures taken with you with the exception of class photos. I miss you, dear friend. I regretted not taking more pictures, which will probably let me reminisce those times when we were young.
I'm not using the comp to blog, thus I didn't put up the pictures with me and you. Decided to put a few that probably represented friendship.
Can you hear me, friend? I'm sorry that I couldn't visit you today. I wanted to, but I cannot skip class. ): I love you, but idk if you know it or can hear these words coming from my mouth.
Actually, this yr marks the 10th yr of our wonderful friendship. If only, you were here. Sam, you and me. The only 3girls from pri 1F to 6A straight tgt in the sameclass.
I miss you, and I really want to visit you. I promise I will visit you asap! The last time I went to see you was last yr, on the last day of mid yr exams. Love you manymany.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
8:35 PM

Sunday, March 21, 2010
To comfort myself after the camp.
I had a high level of self esteem.
If weili wants to say I'm short or what, I will just say: You're tall. Not my problem.
Thus, I've decided to put my results here.
Surprising, ain't it?!
I rock.
Shit you A2 chinese.
After the camp, I'm not really fired up. But I teared a lot.
Seriously, it made me think about life more.
And the amount of homework I owe. Actually it's just English that I don't want to do.
Cause it's damn stupid.
Okay, whatever my results.
ENGLISH: 57 (I hate WTL, join a petition?)
HMT: 75
Literature: 62
Combined.H: 64
Chem: 64
I know it sucks la, but next time i post you'll see
8A1S there.
Yes I dropped a lot, stop commenting on it you ass-es.
I admitted it.
See I even
bold it.
After the camp,
Everyone, I love you!
I love my dancing class :D
NiWen and Lydia <3
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:17 PM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zz, Facebook can't upload this too. Anw, the connection at my grandma's hse is really lousy.
Then download so slow. Maybe I will entertain myself later and blog later. Lol.
Snsd hwaiting! <3
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
7:54 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2010
I got motivated from Hanling's post..
Maybe it's because of how crazy I was, my results dropped drastically. Thanks to bloody English as well.
Yes, I'm no longer 1st, is that what you all want to know? Asking me abt my results. Do you think I feel good saying that I've dropped?
Forget it, I should reflect on myself. For being crazy, for losing sleep, for not paying attention.

You. Kim Jong Hyun. Better smile next time I see you. >( you always end up dampening our mood. It's not fair that everyone can see you happy and smiling brightly except SG shawols.
For now, till the next time you all come, I shall concentrate really hardddd and take 9A1s instead. Im not like Hanling, who will wait till Os are over. That's a too big sacrifice. I will say this again after you're gone from the next time.
For today, just let me suffer sadly okay. Stop asking me anything.
When I woke up today, my heart just hurts for no reason.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:45 AM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cuteeSg eawards,
Romeos are coming :D
I can see Oppas again (;
But it's until 12am, wayyyy after my sleeping time, yes I am an early sleeper.
Maybe I should leave early, and get someone to fetch me home O:
Lydia would you mind??? :X
Had a crazy dream a few days ago, about Super Junior (like lol?!)Idk, I was at XX's hse.
Then the lift was realllllly reallllly weird.
We wanted to go and find Delia, but I told XX that her house really hard to go, so she offered to help me find Delia herself.
(Idk why I want to find delia too)
The lift jumps around?!Like from 3rd floor jump to 10th floor?!And I saw, 200,300floors?As you all know, I'm afraid of heights, so XX went for me again^^
In the end when XX went up, delia came down.
I chasedddd after her, but she didn't see me.
I'm left on my own.
Decided to go and take the lift.
Miraculously, XX suddenly came down and took the lift with me :O
Then we saw
Random much.
Idkkkkk, I just stared at them.
And someone said Hi to me.
And volunteered to give me a signature.
We were in the lift for a very short time. Cause the lift numbers jump around?
The first one I really noticed was my
Yuri Unnie ^^
She was having a one-shot, while the rest were sitting down.
Yuri was dancing 'Oh!'
I was looking at her, but at the same time glancing everywhere for
Then it occurred to me, yay they are in Japan now.
Yuri's one shot, it was
Taengoo :D
I ran to
SNSD and suddenly all of them started dancing 'OH!'
Super Junior appeared?!
Dancing to Sorry, Sorry.
Anw, that night my main focus was
After that, someone directed me out of that hall, and told me that there was a concert by
SMTOWN later.
So I went out, and blahblahblah.
Got a seat :D
It was by a poolside or something.
Where there's water.
Idk la.
And they performed :D
Oh my dream ended cause I have to wake up and go to school.
Haiz, it was kinda real though!!
But whenever the thought of 'dreams are the opposite of reality', haiizzzzz.
And I dreamt about
Almighty Key last night!
Forgot about it, but I only know that
Key was insideee :D
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:28 AM

Saturday, March 6, 2010

my current obsession, the guy in the middle^^
Hong Chan Doo! (his name in the show)
SOOOOO cute!
But this pic not as nice, haha.
Cause he nvr let his fringe down.
Mustttt see his fringe down then nice.
Hmm, got back allll the results.
Satisfied with most of it! :D
I love my classs tee! :D
I love 4E4! :DI hate Zhonghua.
My class tee name: a
SHAWOL calculator! :D
Cause I can calculate like reallllly fast.
Lazy to blog anymore :D
Holidays are coming!! Wheeeeee~
Now i'm watching Hello Baby and God Of Study at the same time, lol.
SHINee's BACK IN SG AGAIN! HAHAH.Miahnhaeyo, oppas ):
I shall go to the carpark and stay there instead.
Last time, was too hectic with 1000pple.
Now 3000 pple?
I can't believe what will happen.
Thus, i'm going for the Eawards only.
Shining Oppas, hwaiting!날개를 펴고 !
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:09 PM

Monday, March 1, 2010

Doing the finger move too!! Like MINHO and YOOGEUN, Taeyeon the kid leader!!!!!! :) taengooo :)
Okay, I like her hair too. :D but sica's hair is much nicer. I hate my hair now. >( cause of my fringe ahh. I will consider cutting it like sica's :O since I can't perm it like taeyeon!!
Got back 3 papers today!! I got a B for physics!! ^^ so happy. Cause my physics sucked a lot normally lol.
Eng B too. But it's counted good cause a lot pple failed too.
A for Chinese! Finally can drop out of my only-2-weeks-ssp!! Haha! ( oh I got this paper last week)
Full marks for Amaths! My strongest subject!! Oh yessssss :)
Today had been a great day, thank you. :)
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:13 PM