제시카, 생일 축하합니다!!!
Sica unnie's 21st bday ㅋㅋㅋ
(I feel bad that I didn't post taeyeon's bday ):
Hopes she enjoy today with her 8 sisters and SHINEE bbs ):
Super jealous abt ystd.
Yuri and Minho! Gahhh~
Then key and onew taken up by sica.
And jongsica????? Oh well happy birthday sica unnie!
I love your pretty long hair ㅎㅎㅎ
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:21 PM

It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't been blogging.
Oh well, with the mountain-like pile of work, who has the time??
I'm here to escape the clutches of chemistry and amaths^^
I reallllly want that
SNSD SPAO shirt.
Anyone wants?
Buy with meeeeee pretty please :D
I think it will cost a bomb though.
Share shipping fee, then ask my mummy buy the shirt for me! HAHAH :D
Yuri's 21? or
Taeyeon's 9????
Both I like.
Just nice me and lydia's reg number :D
I'm lazy to blog.
I love twitter hehe^^
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
11:06 AM