I feel so lost and helpless suddenly.
Oh well, there comes my split personality again.
Facebook says it all.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:07 PM

Happy Yoong Day! :)
Actually I didn't feel like blogging.
These days sucked ):
Troubled mood..
Anw just spent $25.50 on fushigi yuugi Genbu Kaiden.
Forgot how much I love it.
Oh well. Since my fave boy band is MIA for now, Hotohori (going to borrow from Crystal this sat!), Tamahome, and from GK: Rimudooooooooo heh :)
I have split personality. Yay
You'll see a different me tmrw, I guess.

Hibari is not here!!!!! K but I still love it.
Oh I really have split personality.
And did I mentioned that I like having sore throats and being sick?
Too bad nobody notices that i'm sick. In my own hse that is :)
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:21 PM

Qinyi's tweet! I was going crazy over
Ikuto :) KKEKEKKEKE. Ignore
sam yeo's tweet -,- But seriously,
Minho you needa comebackkkkkkkk,

This quiz was taken On
sunny unnie's birthday

I'm humorous ^^

This is
daebak X)
Going crazy over anime characters again. Esp
Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Which is the best anime for me, <3 style="font-weight: bold;">storyline is good, the people are nice looking and
Reborn is so cuteeeeee! :)
Not to mention how zai
Tsuna was when he's in the dying will mode. And super hot, omg.
Gokudera yamamoto and HIBARIIIIIIII, <3>
And dino cracks me up kekke.
And SHUGO CHARA. X) Yeah I know it's a kiddy show but IKUTO IS DAMN HOT. And the prince can be cute for all he wants but he don't attract me LOL.
Ikutooooo <3
And i quote Qinyi, "MINHO WHERE ARE YOU".
YOU NEEDA COMEBACK NOW. And yes now, before I totally go crazy over anime characters, wooyoung, junho, jungshin and minhyuk.
Okay, I wanted to blog about my day, but it kinda sucked so I'll blog about my dream.
Not that it will have a lot of 'LOL-es' Choose not to read it if you like.
YES I DREAMT ABOUT SUJU AGAIN LOL. This is simply LOVL, cause I'm not exactly interested in them alr. And yes I'm lazy to update my 'info'
They were having a concert in Sg or something, I was the emcee (LIKE SERIOUSLY LOVL).
Everyone was screaming, and I was like 'oh, they came. whee'
My friend, dear mango was going crazy as usual over her teuk. Esp when he came out wearing the 'shirt' he wore on MUBANK comeback stage. And she screammmmmeeeed. Cause I brought her backstage LOL.
Idk why was My monkey there. But that's lol again.
Jac was somewhere in the crowd.
Suddenly Suju had a fansign in the middle of the concert (LOL AGAIN) So i ran down the stage and find her and forgot where's my seat.
My bag was on the seat. But some aunty went to sit on it like wth, and she didn't know.
After that, they called me up on stage (LOL AGAIN)
And Idk what I did.
I collected a pile of ads from Donghae and Ryeowook ^^
And I went happily down the stage again passing out to everyone when I'm supposed to be the mc -,-
Okay then they haven't start singing and I work up. And shit, it's tuition.
okay i'm of to watch more animes and read more mangas bye~
Uni~ :) Sky arcabaleno!!!!!!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
2:37 PM

Sorry, flooded my blog with pics cause i have nothing better to do, but hey no one ever reads it too.
Sudden bad mood idk why.
Aish, tmrw's shawols outing cancelled. Super sad but nvm. And shinee needs to come back asap. Don't let suju dominate the charts lol.
Current craze now includes Wooyoung and Junho. Ah, I think I'm going crazy. And Jungshin and Minhyuk, goofy and cute! What can I say!
Minho and Key.you guys needa comeback now.
Timetable for prelims are out. Ah, damn. Study harder, kaiying! (I wish I could). Aiming to get top in class, best in EL lit, best in amaths, best in eMaths. Lol, can I do it?
I wanna go kbox.
I want to give up trying. Yet I want us to be close like before. Is it that hard?
Shutup kaiying. Go to sleep or something. K bye.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:43 PM

Random post. I suddenly felt like blogging. haha.
Blog's been dead for who knows how long O:
But I don't really care haha.
Today went out with mother :)
It's fun, <3
Went down to Far East and Kino! :)
After so long, idk how long I haven't been to Kino!
There's one author signing there. Dk who's him :D
But he's bald and realllllyyy tall.
Went universal Studios on saturday! <3
Extreeeemeeely fun. I like.
Next time must tgt with friends, k!
Sentosa was not a bad place after all LOL.
Saw many foreigners! :)
And I can't believe that there are people who wore BOOTS in Singapore.
Are you kidding me!
There were also pple wearing the ' I LOVE SINGAPORE' tee which is seriously LOL.
K blogged.
Twitter here I come.
Did I mention that Yoona is my current love, <3
K i did now ;)
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
5:38 PM