Hai I'm @jellygrim! Kaiying just said that her ears will turn itchy after eating chips. Omg so ke ai la she. Luv her to bits <3
Hihi I'm @einnaeg!!! Kaiying's house is so fun. We're like going to her house like almost everyday. And you look like a kid!! You should stop stealing my headphones go buy the same one as mine!! Ok goodnight go back sleep.
We're such sweet people!! Awww we love you Kai.
Ok back to Sam. Kai don't feel stress ok <3 nobody's going to have high expections of you and make you stressed! So don't stress ok you're rlly smart already! Anyway I like coming to your house to fool around with nie. So fun. I luv you. Let's take afternoon naps tgt often ^^
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:43 PM

Dongwoon. Hyunseung. Kikwang. Doojoon. Yoseob. Junhyung.
Fangirl mode: switched on
Die ):
They too handsome le ):
Next week prelims leh!
It seems like I have studied finished, but what is with this sense of insecurity!!!!!
Forget it, prelims =die zzz
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:05 PM
I like to be happy.
I like not to be sad.
Everything that happened at home I tried not to bring to school.
I tried to remain happy, cause pple at school don't deserve to see someone sad or ignoring them or whatsoever.
Something happened very recently and I feel very very hurt.
And I hate it.
I really really tried to be happy with everyone, friendly with everyone.
but so what.
I don't deserve to be treated like shit.
I have feelings.
Whatever _____ did made me very hurt.
Maybe ___ doesn't feel it, but I do feel very hurt.
I deserve respect too, and don't throw me away when you don't need me.
It's not fair.
And i just realise that i don't have anyone i'm extremely very very very close to in my class.
How pathetic.
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:57 PM
Everyone expects me to do well.
To do extremely well.
Don't expect anything from me, please.
It's very hard.
Everyone keeps telling me that I'm going to do well, blahblahblah and stuffs.
It kinda put a lot of pressure on my shoulders.
I may not live up to people's expectations!
♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:49 PM