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♥SHINee world
(츄~♡) The bells are ringing in my head



The name is KAIYING. I'm a 15-year-old student who resides in Singapore.
I sat behind the desks of 6A'06, 2E2'08, 4E4'10 ♥
Egg cracked day: 940908.
I'm a SHAWOL along with Jacquelyn and HanLing
SHINee is the current obsession, and forever the one <3
I enjoy laughing with my friends, and have fun with them.

bold underlined strikethrough italic

Ring Ding Dong

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Best Place

Forever a SHAWOL
Go SHINee's concert!
SNSD's BEYONDx/GG's mv Hoodie
Key's Lightning earrings
Forever friends, <3
All As for my subjects T^T

Love like oxygen

Super Junior
♥You're Beautiful, Shinwoo oppa <3
♥God Of Study, Chandoo <3
♥Katekyo Hitman Reborn
♥Twilight Saga
♥Percy Jackson
♥Infinitely Teen Top

Talk to me

ShoutMix chat widget

Love's way

Meet the people I love♥

Eleanor Ang
KweeYong &LiHao
Pearlyn Au
Pearlyn Toh
Siqi &Siqin


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010



Layout Designer:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hi it's my birthday but I don't feel like it's my birthday.

Great. I'm 16. Haha yay -___-

I'm old!!!

Okay thanks bye.

Yay birthday yay.... I'm supposed to be happy!

I'm lingering at home because no one asked me out.
Actually they did but I can't cause my dad's at home. Sian.

I'm stuck at home. Bored that I even came to blog. Wow.
Okay bye I feel like sleeping.

Haha kei sleeping haha. My current craze lol.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:30 PM

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dizzy dizzy dizzy.
My temperature for 4 days straight is so high ):
I feel like fainting any moment.

I don't wanna miss school D:

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
12:47 PM

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Well, I just realised I mostly have depressing posts. This is not an exception.

Time flies. Tic-toc-Ed, and it is august now. O levels are coming and the worst thing is, we are graduating.

Sure thing, I've always disliked and held contempt for my school. But I can't deny that there were wonderful memories there that I've created with my 2 classes. It was a great time.

I can't believe that in less than 2 months time, I'm graduating. 4 years seemed to pass by really fast and without any notice, I'm about to turn 16 soon.

I can briefly remember the day I stepped into the school, holding excitement and anticipation for the start of a new school life, new friends and new memories.

Yet these are about to be swept past, once again, like when I've graduated from ZPS. It's amazing how the last few months can make me think so much.

Sec one, getting ready to know new people.
Sec 2, well-bonded with my classmates and without any worried, have fun with them. Yet we were split up into different classes. 2E2'08 certainly held fantastic memories.
Sec 3, enjoying life without a care. Doing what we like and studying to the point as we like. Sec 4 and o levels seemed like a long way to go.

Sec4: best year of my life in zhss. Really. I love my class. I enjoy making jokes and laughing around with them, guai-lan-ing our teachers. I will.. Miss these times a lot. Attending lessons in my class. Sometimes dozing off in class. It had been a wonderful year.

Now all I've only a tiny 2 months left. Trying hard to treasure and leave even greater memories. I will miss this life of slacking.

It won't be the same anymore when I grow up and graduate. 2 months....

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:54 PM

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Suck is just a word, but pple are getting uptight over it. Haiz. I still don't like Krystal. Oh well. She was once my bias, but after seeing that programme omg, I changed bias immediately zz.

Anw stop treating me like a kid for goodness sake. Making me sound like a kid doesn't help. And wth, I'm older than you wtf. Better stop it before I get really pissed off. And to scold me, teach me a lesson? That doesn't help. For once I'm glad I'm older. with a sense of superiority , it seems to help.

Pple are daoing me too. Am I that insignificant?
I guess so.

Suck is better thn f right? :)

Pple's gonna come after me for this post, but I don't really care. It seems to me that I need to type a lot of things down to make myself relax.

Praying does helps too, but it's like I don't say it out. Saying it out doesn't help as much as typing everything down.
Maybe I'm weird but who cares.

I'm drifting off the topic.

And my fb and Twitter crashed on me at the same time. That's why I'm here? Perhaps so. I don't have as much privacy on fb and Twitter when I wanna talk or scold someone. Not that They are my friends or followers.

I've seemed to learn my lesson :) but not the one I was talking abt pple trying to teach me.
Give me a break you ass-es.

End of story. I think everyone knows that I dislike Krystal, oh well. And I'm back to the topic again, lol. My first LOL of the post, funny. Drifting away again.
Okay really 끝! Bye.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:45 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Utterly disappointed.
It's not that my expectations were high or what, it's supposed to be my standard...right?

All those rubbish and careless mistakes. You don't know how much I wanted to murder myself the moment I set my eyes on those few sheets of paper that wasted so much of my time.

Maybe I was expecting another full marks. Maybe I wanted another top. Maybe I just want to prove to them that I'm not that weak as the other two. I'm smarter.

But it boiled down to the fact that I'm incapable of doing -------- doubt anyone will understand. Especially when you're underrated by certain pple in your home.

And your own parents don't know what exams I have. Don't know that physics and chem has calculations. Don't know what the hell am I talking about.

How great.
Perhaps I shouldn't had such high goals, but it wasn't high!! It wasn't!!

Forget it. I'm not a genius, and i don't think I am one too.

Why must everyone think that when I'm disappointed in myself means I've got realllllly reallllllyyyyy great results but it wasn't what I want.

Wanna try a new word? Bad.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
9:55 PM

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hai I'm @jellygrim! Kaiying just said that her ears will turn itchy after eating chips. Omg so ke ai la she. Luv her to bits <3

Hihi I'm @einnaeg!!! Kaiying's house is so fun. We're like going to her house like almost everyday. And you look like a kid!! You should stop stealing my headphones go buy the same one as mine!! Ok goodnight go back sleep.

We're such sweet people!! Awww we love you Kai.

Ok back to Sam. Kai don't feel stress ok <3 nobody's going to have high expections of you and make you stressed! So don't stress ok you're rlly smart already! Anyway I like coming to your house to fool around with nie. So fun. I luv you. Let's take afternoon naps tgt often ^^

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
1:43 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dongwoon. Hyunseung. Kikwang. Doojoon. Yoseob. Junhyung.
Fangirl mode: switched on
Die ):
They too handsome le ):
Next week prelims leh!

It seems like I have studied finished, but what is with this sense of insecurity!!!!!

Forget it, prelims =die zzz

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
10:05 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I like to be happy.
I like not to be sad.

Everything that happened at home I tried not to bring to school.
I tried to remain happy, cause pple at school don't deserve to see someone sad or ignoring them or whatsoever.

Something happened very recently and I feel very very hurt.
And I hate it.
I really really tried to be happy with everyone, friendly with everyone.
but so what.

I don't deserve to be treated like shit.
I have feelings.
Whatever _____ did made me very hurt.
Maybe ___ doesn't feel it, but I do feel very hurt.

I deserve respect too, and don't throw me away when you don't need me.
It's not fair.

And i just realise that i don't have anyone i'm extremely very very very close to in my class.
How pathetic.

♥infinitely shinee generation at the teen top
3:57 PM